
CH327. Did he take advantage of you?

Lu Min Chen snatches the phone from her and looks at it.

"Ah!" Lu Yu Yan is so shocked. "Brother?" She calls tensely and snatches the phone from him.

But Lu Min Chen has already seen the thing on the screen. Since when did Lu Yu Yan start staring at Yu Luoshan's photo?

"Explain," he says angrily.

Yu Yan trembles at his voice. "Brother? It..." She does not know what to say. She had thought that she had hidden it so well.

"Yu Yan?" Lu Min Chen calls her with creased brows.

And knowing his temper very well, she knows that something is up.

"Mmh?" She looks up at him.

"What happened between Luoshan and you?" Lu Min Chen asks.

Lu Yu Yan shakes a little. But she looks away. She knows that there are some things that she can never hide from Lu Min Chen.

"Min Chen..." She calls shamefully. But she tells herself that she does not regret anything that happened between Luoshan and her.

"Did he take advantage of you?" Lu Min Chen asks and looks at her. And there is a deathly aura around him.

"No," Lu Yu Yan shakes her head immediately. She knows that Lu Min Chen will never let Luoshan off if he did anything to her.

"Are you scared of him? Tell me, I will but let him off," Lu Min Chen says.

Lu Yu Yan is his cousin sister. And he knows that she has been dependent on him more that she has been on her blood brother's since young.

"No," Yu Yan says again. "He did not take any advantage of me. I was the one who..."

"Yu Yan, are you defending him? You were drunk when you went to his house?"

"Min Chen... Can you listen to me?" Lu Yu Yan asks as her expression changes. It looks like she is about to cry.

Lu Min Chen's coldness reduces. He sighs and takes a seat beside her. "Mmh," he says and holds her hand.

"It was I who took advantage of him. I forced myself on him!" She says and wipes away her tears.

Lu Min Chen creases his brows again. "Does that mean that you slept with him?"

Yu Yan looks away. "Do not get mad at me please," she says and wipes away a tear from her eyes.

They both remain silent for a long time. And Lu Min Chen, who had come with anger burning in him calms down.

"Yu Yan," he calls at last.

Lu Yu Yan looks up at him, her eyes red. She had been trying to keep her feelings to herself for a long time, since Luoshan dissppered.

She has always wanted to meet him, to see him. But he is nowhere. And she cannot even share her feelings with anybody else.

Since she came back from abroad, Ye Xiao Xiao has been her only friend. But she is always so busy, with her brother  always after her. She rarely has any chance to stay with her for long.