
CH326. She is still so innocent


Early in the morning, the two lovey doveys get up and go to work together.

And the love between them keeps growing, bonding them together.

Once Lu Min Chen settles in his office, his assistant walks in.

"Did you find him?" Lu Min Chen asks, referring to Yu Luoshan.

"Boss, Mr Yu left the country one month ago. But...the night before he left..." The assistant trembles, looking at his boss in fear.

"What happened?" Lu Min Chen asks impatiently.

"Young Miss spent a night in his house. And she only went back to the old mansion in the morning..."


Before Li Chan can finish saying his words, there is a loud bang in the room.

He freezes and retreats towards the door in fear. The big boss has gone mad once again.

He knew that this would happen once he said it to him.

Lu Min Chen has always loved and protected his sister. And he has never wanted anything to happen to her.

But to think that his best friend might have taken advantage of her...

He brought her to his house and left after that. Was he running away after taking advantage of him?

"What did he do?" Lu Min Chen asks, standing up.

"He... He... I do not know if anything happened between them. But they seemed so much attached as he dropped her to the old mansion."

Lu Min Chen grits his teeth. Just the thought of Yu Luoshan taking advantage of Yu Yan angers him.

They are adults, yes. And they can make decisions by themselves. They can choose what they want to do.

But Lu Yu Yan is his spoilt and naive sister. She is still so innocent.

It is not like he has never known that she might be having feeling for Yu Luoshan.

But Yu Luoshan's life is different. From the beginning, his family has been fircing him to get married to a certain girl.

And he got engaged to the girl just a while ago.

He does not want Yu Yan to get involved in such issues. That was the reason he was trying to separate them!

He had planned to let his friend close to Yu Yan only after he had delt with his family issues.

"Where is he?" Lu Min Chen asks again in anger.

Yu Luoshan has just disappeared. And his fiance left too. He hopes that those two did not leave together.

"I do not know. I am still trying to investigate that," Li Chan replies.

"Find it out," he says with a blunt face and walks out of his office.

Just with his expression, no one dares to go anywhere close to him.


The moment Lu Min Chen sets foot into the old mansion, all the servants bow before him. But he does not pay them any attention and walks straight to his grandfather's house.

Luckily, the old man is not home. He finds Lu Yu Yan on her bed, looking at her phone screen.

She seems so much in thoughts that she does not notice his presence.