
CH325. Confession

"I want to be," Ye Xiao Xiao says quickly, her mouth going ahead of her brain. "Stand up first," she adds and tries pulling him up.

Lu Min Chen shakes his head. But his eyes light up. She wants to be his. "Let me put the ring on you then," he says.

"Mmh," Ye Xiao Xiao nods her head. She will never turn down his rings again. She wants them so bad.

Getting her approval, Lu Min Chen does not waste any more time. She has accepted his ring for the first time.

He puts the ring on her finger and stands up. "I love you so much dear," he says, looking into her eyes.

"I love you too," Ye Xiao Xiao says back. She also does not believe that she has said the words.

"Say it again baby," Lu Min Chen tells her. He does not want it to turn into a dream.

He has always dreamt of her saying that she loves him. And he is scared that this might just he one of the dreams.

Ye Xiao Xiao smiles. She looks away from him. "I love you Ah Chen. I want to be yours forever!" 

"Can you say it another time? I want to make sure that my ears are not lying," Lu Min Chen asks in disbelief.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks up at him. "You do not trust me?" She asks.


Before Lu Min Chen can finish his words, Ye Xiao Xiao stands on her tiptoes and kisses his lips.

And this time, it is not just a brief kiss. She lingers longer, until Lu Min Chen comes back to his senses and begins kissing her back.

The air between them turns hot, and their kiss last almost forever.

Then at last, and reluctantly, Lu Min Chen pulls away. He hugs Ye Xiao Xiao to himself. 

"Thank you Xiao Xiao," he says and kisses her hair. She can now be his willingly.

"Mmh!" Ye Xiao Xiao asks in confusion. Her hands are wrapped around his waist. She cannot even believe that she had finally confessed.

And he has been in love with her too. And she is even wearing his ring now. It feels like a dream.

But... Why is he thanking her?

"I almost thought that you would never love me. Thank you for giving me a chance. I swear you will never regret it," Lu Min Chen says and hugs her even tighter.

"Do not ever leave me alone,"she says. "And do not misunderstand me."

"I will not," Lu Min Chen says with a nod of his head. "I love you."

Since he never had the chance to say these words to her in the past, he feels like saying it as many times as possible.

Ye Xiao Xiao nods back and puts her head on his chest. This is her man now. She now knows that he loves her.

And she will do everything to remain in his heart. It has not been easy for her to proclaim her love for him.