
CH302. No one wants Little Xiao Xiao?

Was she not hers too? Did his dad cheat on her and brought another woman's child home?

But he did not want to believe that. Even still, his dad had apologized already,right?

He could not leave his child away from home. It was a good thing that he brought her home where he could take care of her.

And it is his mom that asked for a divorce first. His dad wanted them to remain married.

After his mom left, his dad stood by the door, so sad. 

"Dad, mom left?" Lin Mo had asked him pitifully. He grew up with his dad. And he knew that he was a good man.

"Mmh," his dad had nodded. And he could see tears in his eyes, like he wanted to cry.

"No one wants little Xiao Xiao?" He had asked him. Their argument was all about her. And his mom did not want her.

The man had hugged him, and tears fell from his eyes. "I am sorry Ting. I wish I had a choice out of this. But I want her. I want her to be safe," he had said.

"Dad, I want her too. Let us protect her, okay?" 

Things remained silent the days that followed. It was just as usual, and his sister kept on growing up healthily.

But every time Lin Mo looked at her, he would feel sad. She was not even a year old, but everyone did not want her.

So he swore to protect her. He swore to help her grow up well.

Two weeks later, he came home from school and found his dad on a call in the living room.

"Babe, can we start afresh? Our son needs us. I will take the child to the orphanage," he had said.

Lin Mo had halted. His dad wanted to take the child away because of him and his mom? 

But what about her? How could she stay at the orphanage when she had her parents?

"Okay, come. Let us talk," he had said and hanged up.

Lin Mo did not say anything about it. In fact, his dad did not know that he had heard it.

And he kept pitying his sister. He had even wished that he was big enough so that he could protect her.

But the same night, they got news that his mom had died on a road accident. She had died, just like that.

And that period before her burial, Lin Mo felt like it was hell. 

Lin Mo had cried after learning that he could never see his mom again.

And his dad was always so sad,that he could never speak.

It took a while before they both got better, and they got used to that life.

But some weeks after her burial, Lin Mo returned home from school and did not find his sister. She was gone.

His dad refused to talk to him about it. And he only kept apologising.

"Is it because of mom?" Lin Mo had asked.