
CH282. You can talk to your sweetheart

But Ye Xiao Xiao gets mad and pushes him away. " You do not have to tell me what I should do," she says in anger when the call ends. "I will do what I want ."

Lu Min Chen creases his brows. "You are still in love with him that you cannot bear miss his calls?"

"Whatever! Let go off me you Maniac. Try controlling other women, not me," Ye Xiao Xiao roars and pushes him away.

And Lu Min Chen's heart turns bitter immediately. He looks at her in disbelief. Just where was she hiding her fangs the last few days?

"Okay," he says coldly and pushes his door open. He takes the phone that has just began ringing again and throws it to her. "You can talk to your sweetheart..."

Then he walks away, leaving her in the car.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at his departing figure and something tells her that he looks lonely. 

But she looks away from him immediately.

She receives the call. "Brother Mo?"

"Xiao Xiao," Lin Mo calls back with a sigh of relief. "I thought you were not going to pick up my calls."

"I will never assume your calls again. My phone was far."

"I hope you keep that promise. Anyway, how are you. Is he treating you fine?" He asks.

Right now, he has given up the hope of chasing after her. As long as she is happy and talking to him, he is fine. 

Ye Xiao Xiao remains quiet when she hears the question. She looks at the far end where Lu Min Chen went and his desolate back comes back to her mind.

She feels bad for him. Did she go overboard with her words? 

Even though Lu Min Chen might not  be in love with her, she feels like he has been treating her exceptionally well these past few days.

And he is her husband now. He will obviously feel bad when she keeps on talking to other men.

"Xiao Xiao? Is everything fine?" Lin Mo asks worriedly when she does not answer him. "If he is mistreating you, just tell me..."

"No, we are actually good," Ye Xiao Xiao answers back.


Lu Min Chen walks to the other side of street even without knowing. But his heart tells him that he should stay away so that he cannot hear anything Lin Mo and Ye Xiao Xiao are going to say.

He does not want to get hurt anymore. Maybe distance will help him.

Even after marrying her, and trying to please her, he still can never compare to Lin Mo. 

He sighs pitifully, and puts his hands in his pockets for a cigarette. But there is nothing. 

He intentionally left them at home so that he cannot disturb Ye Xiao Xiao in the car.

He has been trying not to smoke in her presence. But now, the desire is just too much.

He walks to the first shop in front of him and buys his favourite packet. Then he sits on the bench outside to smoke.