
CH281. Feels like smashing the phone on the wall

"Young Master," Manager Chen calls happily. "You are finally here."

"Mmh, how is everything?" He asks 

Manager Chen tells him how things have been in the orphanage and he nods in satisfaction.

In the evening, he is forced to pull Ye Xiao Xiao out of the orphanage by force. It seems like she likes this place a lot.

"Let us stay a little more," Ye Xiao Xiao begs. She wants to be with the children and hear their chattering.

"No, you have work tomorrow, remember?" Lu Min Chen says and he forces her into the car. " We shall come back again."

Ye Xiao Xiao sits with a pout on her lips. She also knows that he is doing it for her own good. She is supposed to report to work tomorrow.

But she still wants to be a little mad at him. And it is not like she does not realise how unreasonable she is being.

Lu Min Chen looks at her and sighs. "Are you angry?" He asks and moves closer to her.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks away. But she feels touched that he cares about her. He has even realised that she is mad.

Lu Min Chen holds her chin and looks at her face. "Can a kiss make for an apology?" He asks and starts moving towards her lips.

Ye Xiao Xiao tenses up, but she does not attempt to push him away. She even closes her eyes, waiting for the kiss.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The two people are startled back to their senses when a phone rings.

And Lu Min Chen is the most annoyed of all. He quickly snatches her phone from her. "Do not pick it up!"

That useless caller ruined his special moment with his wife. He even feels like smashing the phone on the wall.

"No! It must be Brother Mo," Ye Xiao Xiao says quickly and tries taking back her phone.

Her face is blushed, just by thinking of what that was about to happen between the two of them.

Lu Min Chen freezes for a second. He looks at the screen, and it is actually Lin Mo calling.

He looks back at Ye Xiao Xiao. Does she know the exact time that Lin Mo calls her?

"Give it to me please," Ye Xiao Xiao says. Since Lu Min Chen began punishing her whenever she calls him young master, she has been trying to talk with him without any address at all.

Because to her, it is still very difficult to call him Ah Chen, or hubby, like he usually wants.

"Do not speak to him today. You can call him later," Lu Min Chen says and throws the phone on the back seats.

"No! He will get mad at me. Ah! You are unreasonable!" She says angrily and tries stretching her hands to reach the phone.

Lu Min Chen holds her back. He just does not want her to talk to Lin Mo.

He has been trying to improve his relationship with her. And now that he is almost successful, Lin Mo begins calling her.