
CH278. Call me Ah Chen

She freezes. "Um...young master..."

Lu Min Chen pulls the covers from her head and pinches her cheeks. "I will punish you every time you call me that," he says.

"Put on something first," Ye Xiao Xiao says while curling herself up.

"Why?" Lu Min Chen asks her. "Is my wife tired today too?" 

Ye Xiao Xiao blushes. And it now dawns on her why he forced her to sleep in the afternoon.

"Is my body that great? Tell me, am I good looking?" Lu Min Chen asks and pulls her whole body out of the covers.

And he is shocked. "Why are you dressed like this?"

"Umm... I am cold," Ye Xiao Xiao says in fear, holding tightly onto her clothes.

"You don't have to," Lu Min Chen says and begins pulling off her clothes. "Your hubby will warm you up."

"No," Ye Xiao Xiao says with a red face. She put on all these clothes in purpose.

"Tsk tsk," Lu Min Chen laughs. "See, you are even sweating!"

They begin struggling, but it is obvious who the winner is. He only leaves her with the last piece of cloth on, a pair of light and buggy shorts and a vest.

Ye Xiao Xiao tries pushing him away to get under the covers. But accidentally, the towel on Lu Min Chen's waits falls off.

She freezes when she sees him naked. And she is lost for words for some seconds.

Lu Min Chen pinches her cheeks again. "Do you like what you are seeing? I am all yours tonight!"

Ye Xiao Xiao trembles and tries moving to the wall. Does she have any other trick today?

"Come on baby. You said you were cold? Your hubby is too hot," he says and pulls her into his embrace, making sure that she touches his bare skin.

Ye Xiao Xiao gulps. He is actually hot. But she does not want to be this close to him.


Lu Min Chen looks at her face. "Do you dare finish that?"

Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. She looks like a small rabbit to him. 

"You are cute," Lu Min Chen says with a smile and brushes away the strands of hair from her face. "And hubby wants to eat you up."

"Ah Chen..." Ye Xiao Xiao calls in fear, not aware that she has just called him that.

" Wow, my baby is getting more obedient," Lu Min Chen says and kisses her lips. "Call me that again."

"What?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks. She also thinks she has just called him Ah Chen?

Lu Min Chen pulls her to him and kisses her cheeks. "Ah Chen... call me Ah Chen."

Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head again. That is her secret that she had always burried deep in her heart.

She only calls him Ah Chen in her heart, and maybe in her dreams.

"Call me that baby or I..." Lu Min Chen moves his hand into her clothes.

"No, stop!" She shouts. Surprisingly, today she does not feel repulsed to his touches like that day. Maybe because she knows that she is married to him?