
CH277. Give them your husband's number

"I don't have it either," he says with a shrug. 

Ye Xiao Xiao purses her lips as he pulls her to his own room.

"Xiao Xiao, this is our room, mine and yours from today," he says softly.

Ye Xiao Xiao wants to refute, but he covers her mouth with his hand and shakes his head at her.

She swallows back her words. Who made her think that Lu Min Chen has changed. A Maniac is always a Maniac!

But what shocks her is that all of her clothes are neatly arranged in his wardrobe. Even her make up table has been moved.

She turns to look at Lu Min Chen again, and all she receives is his rare smile.

Lu Min Chen starts removing his clothes, not minding that she is present. 

And Ye Xiao Xiao only realises what is happening when he unbuckled his belt.

"Lu Min Chen you Maniac!" She curses and covers her eyes.

Lu Min Chen just smiles. "This should not be a secret anymore. You will be seeing everything every day."

He removes his trousers and puts on a vest and a  pair shorts. "Hurry up and change. Lunch is waiting for us."

Ye Xiao Xiao locks the door from inside once Lu Min Chen has walked out before changing her clothes.

She does not trust him. He might come back and find her naked.

After Lunch, Lu Min Chen holds Ye Xiao Xiao's hands and walks with her around the garden.

And all his actions confuse her. On other weekends, he was never at home. Why does he have time to walk with her today?

But her biggest mistake is that she does not know what the Maniac is planning in his head.

"Time for a nap," Lu Min Chen says after bringing her back to the house.

Ye Xiao Xiao tries to break free from his embrace. "I still have work to do," she says.

And only Lu Min Chen realises that she speaks often nowadays, not like the past one week.

"You carried work home?" He asks her. " You are not allowed to work from home. If they ask you on Monday, give them your husband's number."

Ye Xiao Xiao's lips twitch. Give them her husband's phone number? Over her dead body!

He forcefully hugs her and they both sleep.


After dinner, Ye Xiao Xiao hurries to their room and takes a bath.

When Lu Min Chen comes in, she is already under the covers and on her side of the bed.

Lu Min Chen smiles. It is good having her on his large bed.

He goes to the bathroom, but comes out with only a towel around her waist.

"Not asleep yet?" He asks her as he dries his hair.

Ye Xiao Xiao turns to look at him, but she covers her eyes again. Why is he not putting on anything.

Lu Min Chen chuckles and puts the hair drier down. "Are you blushing after seeing your hubby's body?" He asks and gets in bed.

What! Coming in the bed without any clothes?