
CH270. Xiao Xiao, we are married

Lu Min Chen holds Ye Xiao Xiao's hands happily. "Xiao Xiao, we are married," he says.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at him with creased brows. Is he so happy because they are married or does he have his other reason?

She does not answer him, but that does not lower Lu Min Chen's mood. He has a wife now, and she is the woman that he loves so much.

"Take this one too," Lu Min Chen says and hands her his booklet. 

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at him. " Mmh?" Why is he giving her his booklet.

"Keep them both," Lu Min Chen says back with a genuine smile.

After leaving the Bureua of Civil Affairs, Lu Min Chen drives straight to the company. 

"Mom and dad are waiting for us here," Lu Min Chen explains and holds her hand.

But Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. He wants them to go the the company together? What will people say if they see them?

Lu Min Chen seems to have sensed her fear. He sends a text message to his assistant them wait for a while.

"No one will see us. Everything has been taken care of. Let us go," he says and opens the door for her.

Even though he so much wants to announce to the whole world that she is his, he still thinks there is need to consider her feelings.

And true to his words, apart from his assistant, they do not meet anyone else.

Madam Lu and Lu Hong are waiting in Lu Min Chen's office.

Madam Lu runs forwards and hugs Ye Xiao Xiao. "You are finally ours Xiao Xiao!"

They are both happy, but Ye Xiao Xiao does not understand why all of them react like this towards her marriage to Lu Min Chen.

"Mom, dad," Ye Xiao Xiao calls fearfully after taking a seat. "Can we please keep the marriage a secret for the time being?"

They look at her before looking at each other. Madam Lu purses her lips. "Xiao Xiao, you are not happy being married to Ah Chen?" 

She wants to introduce her to her friends and show them what a beauty she has for a daughter in law.

She wants to tell them that her son is not bent as all of them were always thinking.

She would always get so mad whenever they would speak so evily about her son. 

She personally believed very strongly that Lu Min Chen was straight, because she had seen him taking care of Ye Xiao Xiao when she was young.

Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head immediately. "It is not like that. Do not misunderdtand me please. Give me time to get used to being his wife, okay?"

Lu Hong looks at Lu Min Chen who has remained so calm. "Min Chen, what do you say about that?" He asks.

Lu Min Chen turns to Ye Xiao Xiao softly. " You do not want us to go public yet?" 

Ye Xiao Xiao nods immediately.