
CH269. Ye Xiao Xiao is now his

Her heart beats so loud. For a long time, no one has gifted her something as precious as this. And she even begins having a doubt about his change of attitude towards her.

She puts on the dress and stands before the mirror. It is so fitting, and very perfect that she thinks she can also fall in love with herself.

She thinks that she will appear more beautiful if she put on some make up. But she shakes her head immediately.

What if it makes Lu Min Chen assume that she was so much looking up to their marriage?

When she opens the door,Lu Min Chen is standing at the corridor waiting for her. And his heart skips a bit when he sees her. Just perfect, like a real princess.

He walks towards her and holds her hand. "You look amazing," he says to her.

And he gets shocked when she looks away. Did she just blush at his compliment?

He takes her into his car, and he cannot explain how happy he is. She is going to be his wife today.

He just hopes that she does not change her mind on the way. After they have gotten their certificates, he will not be afraid of even Lin Mo stealing her away.

And everything goes very smoothly for the two of them until they hold their red books in their hands.

Even though Ye Xiao Xiao did not smile at all, it is still enough that she is there beside him.

Lu Min Chen looks at the red book in his hands, and the picture of him in his black suits and Ye Xiao Xiao in a white dress and feels like jumping with joy.

It is like he is going back to his younger years that he missed. He feels like shouting to the whole world that Ye Xiao Xiao is now his.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at her own red booklet. But she does not let any emotion escape to her face.

But deep inside her, she is complicated. She is now married to the man she loves. She should be happy, right?

But she does not know what really awaits get in this marriage. Is he really going to treat her as his wife? Is he going to give her the respect she deserves?

She is now his wife, and only the two of them can decide if they want to end it.


She shakes her head. Only he can decide if he wants to end it. He is the one with power, and he gets everything he wants.

He has the final say in their marriage. And she will just be there to listen to him and do as he wants.

She had never thought of getting married to a rich man. All she had always prayed for is getting a man who cares about her feelings. 

But it seems like this is her fate. She will go according to the flow. But she cannot keep any hopes in her heart.