
CH266. I am sorry

But he is willingly kneeling before her today? Not even caring of the glances he receives from people?

"Xiao Xiao, I am sorry. Please forgive me," he says and puts his hands in front of him pleadingly.

Looking at his eyes, Ye Xiao Xiao can tell that his apology is genuine.

Her heart beats so first. He was genuine with his apology from the beginning?

So that day, he really did it unknowingly? Or he did not mean everything he said?

She quickens her steps and helps Lin Mo up. "Brother Mo..." She calls and hugs him.

Lin Mo is a little shocked. But he hugs her back and buries his head on her shoulder. "I am sorry. I want to be your brother," he says to her ears in a whisper.

Ye Xiao Xiao wipes away her tears. "I am sorry brother Mo," she says.

Lin Mo hugs her tightly. " I was in the wrong. Can we go back to what we used to be before?" He asks in fear that she will turn him down.

Ye Xiao Xiao pulls away from his chest and looks at his face. Then she nods with a smile. And she looks adorable with the tears on her face.

Lin Mo pulls her for another hug. "Thank you Xiao Xiao. I thought I had lost you forever."

"I was scared of losing you too," Ye Xiao Xiao says back with her genuine smile. "Brother Mo, thank you." 

Lin Mo looks at her, not sure why she is thanking him. He tried disgracing her!

"You are the only one who never wants to lose me," she says again. 

Lin Mo hugs her more. "I will always be here for you. Thanks for forgiving me," he says.

While they are still hugging, Ye Xiao Xiao sees Lu Min Chen from the corners of her eyes walking out of the gate.

She freezes, and Lin Mo feels it. He turns to look and sees Lu Min Chen. But he looks away from him immediately. He does not know how to describe his emotions towards the man now.

He is the man who has snatched away the heart of the girl he has always loved. And he has made him lose her.

Sadly, it is the girl that has chosen him. So, there is really nothing he can do.

Lu Min Chen acts as though he has not seen them too and walks towards his car, which his assistant has already brought over.

The image of the two of them hugging tightly keep playing in his mind. 

And she was even smiling in her tears. It means that she was too much touched. 

Is he really forcing himself on her? Should he let her go and find her own happiness?

On the back seat of the car, he sighs. He throws them another look and orders his drive to start the engine.

He knows that he just cannot let her go yet, not until he has dealt with his love for her.