
CH236. He wants me to pay him off

She just lifts her hand to knock on the door when it is pulled open. "Come in," Lu Min Chen says and points into the room.

She takes the seat on the sofa in the room, while Lu Min Chen sits on his bed, with his long legs crossed.

He looks at her quietly, as if trying to fathom her thoughts. And Ye Xiao Xiao gets uneasy from the way his eyes are scanning her body.

"Young Master, did you call me for something?" She asks fearfully.

Lu Min Chen creases his brows. Young Master again? He was Ah Chen some hours ago. She already forgot about it the moment she got saved.

But he does not comment on it. "Is there something you would want to ask me?" He asks.

His assistant has just reported to him everything that happened in that room when she met Lin Mo.

And his heart felt warm when he learnt that she outrightly rejected Lin Mo.

It meant that she has no feeling for him in any way, that is apart from taking him as her brother.

But he was a bit shocked to hear that she promised to pay him off within a week. 

Three Million? Does she have a source that will give her three Million?

He was expecting her to ask him for help. He will obviously not hesitate to do it for her.

But she is here now, not saying anything about it to him.

Ye Xiao Xiao is a little startled to hear his question. Is he giving her a chance to ask him for help?

But she shakes her head inwardly. It can never be. Why would he be the one hoping for her to ask for help from him?

He hates her. He does not care about her at all. He must be doing that to make fun of her.

"Nope," she shakes her head and stares at him calmly.

Lu Min Chen is taken aback by her response. Just how proud is she? She does not want to accept that she is need.

He wants to ask her about the money, but decides against it.

"What happened between you and him?" He asks at last. He wants to see if she will still try to protect him.

Ye Xiao Xiao understands that the  him he is talking about is obviously Lin Mo. And she remains silent for a while. 

Lu Min Chen knows that she is not yet over the shock, so he does not push her for an answer. He just stares at her calmly, as if he does not care whether she wants to talk about it or not.

"He wants me to pay him off," Ye Xiao Xiao says at last. She looks at Lu Min Chen to see his reaction. But she does not get anything from his expression.

"Only that?" Lu Min Chen asks her.

Ye Xiao Xiao nods. It was just that. Paying him off was the cause of all the other things. It was the main topic today.