
CH235. What if he falls in love with her one day...

Or she would see a man passing by. But if her eyes lingered on him for a while, Lin Mo would pinch her with a pout. "Do not look at other men or your hubby will get mad."

The last time they had talked before yesterday, he had said something about marrying her. 

But she still took them for a joke. Never did she know that he meant everything he said. 

And all the good things he did for her was because he assumed that she would be his wife in the future.

Sometime back, before Ye Xiao Xiao met Lu Min Chen, she thinks she would have said yes to Lin Mo.

It is not like she was in love in him, but there was no any other man close to her.

She would have let him please himself by having her.

But her thoughts changed after staying with Lu Min Chen for a while now. And now that she knows that she is in love with him, she feels nothing towards any other man's approach.

She knows it very well that there can never be any relationship between Lu Min Chen and her, but she still wants to stay as she is now.

What if he changed his attitude towards her one day? What if he too falls in love with her one day...

Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head from her thoughts. She knows that it is impossible. But she still does not want to be with any man now.

After eating, Butler Hu comes to take the plates back, and she informs her that Lu Min Chen wants to see her.

It is just slightly past seven. And she had thought that she would try falling asleep after her meals.

But the young master is here calling her. She thinks of assuming him, but she remembers Lin Mo's words.

She has to pay him all of his money in a week.

Ye Xiao Xiao is not stupid. She knows it very well that she will not have accumulated anything close to three Million one week from now.

And there is only one thought in her mind. She had it too the moment she told Lin Mo that she would pay him.

Lu Min Chen...

Did he not offer to pay it off for her in the past?

She can try talking to him. He can help her pay, then deduct everything from her salary. She no longer cares how long it would take for her salary to reach three Million. But it will still be better.

She does not care if he will take her for a slave. She will do anything, as long as it is morally upright, to pay it off.

With her heart thumping, she walks towards his room. She prays hard that the heavens be on her side and give her the favour.

She will only feel at ease once she has cleared Lin Mo's debt. She does not blame him. It is his right to ask for it back.