
CH222. Why don't you eat it?

There are so many snacks around. But his attention has been on the cake throughout.

Ye Xiao Xiao smiles. "How can my taste change this fast?" She asks. "That cake was the first thing I noticed when the food was brought." 

"Why are you not eating it then?" Lin Mo asks her.

"Don't worry, it is mine, right?"  She questions. "I am planning to take it home with me."

"Nkt! You are stupid Xiao Xiao," Lin Mo curses. "Come on. Take a piece. I will order another one for you to take home. We are finishing everything on the table."

Ye Xiao Xiao sighs. "Brother Mo, you know I get so guilty at times. I personally have nothing to offer," she says and looks out of the window.

He has been treating her so well from the very beginning. She owes him a lot. But she has never given him anything in return.

Lin Mo pauses. "Xiao Xiao? Are you getting guilty because of a cake?" He asks and gets up from his seat.

He carries the cake and places it on the table by the window. "Let us eat. There are greater things to get guilty about. Not these little snacks," he says and hands her a piece. "And who said you have nothing to offer?"

Ye Xiao Xiao holds onto the piece of cake, but she does not eat it. "Brother Mo, I owe you a lot. I will get some amount soon. I will begin paying you. But don't expect me to do it all at once. It will take time," she says almost quietly.

Lin Mo remains quiet for a while, observing her. He stands close to her by the window, and his heart begins beating first. "Why don't you eat it?" He asks pointing at the cake.

Ye Xiao Xiao smiles at him. "Brother Mo, could you have poisoned me by any chance? You are so much persistent about me eating the cake," she says jokingly, but she still takes a bite.

Lin Mo freezes for a second, then he smiles wildly. "I am sure you would have died a million times over if I had thought of poisoning you."

"Ha ha ha," Ye Xiao Xiao laughs. "Who knows? Maybe you have just realised that I owe you a lot and decided to get rid of me..." She winks at him cutely. "But don't worry...I will settle everything with time."

"Xiao Xiao? Do you want to pay me that badly?" He asks, knowing it is time for him to act. But he is still afraid, he is afraid of losing her forever if he makes a mistake.

"What would you have done if you were in my shoes?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks him seriously. "I am always guilty every time I speak to you. I wish I was able to pay you soon."

"Mmh," Lin Mo says absentmindedly. He is still thinking on how to bring up the topic. Now is the right time, when there is only the two of them.