
CH221. I don't eat much eat much nowadays

Lu Min Chen does not even bother to reply. He hangs up immediately.


The first thing Lin Mo does when they get into their room is order for food.

Ye Xiao Xiao smiles. "Brother Mo, I changed nowadays. I don't eat so much," she says.

"I am okay with you eating as much as you want," he says. "You don't really need to change."

Ye Xiao Xiao smiles again and scans her eyes around the room. It looks nice. She likes such a design.

"Brother Mo, you are always putting me into consideration every time. You are the best person in my life," she says seriously.

Lin Mo looks at her face. And he smiles back at her. He is the best person in her life. Does that mean that she will agree to whatever he is going to tell her after the meal?

"Come here and eat," Lin Mo orders. "You need to get more bigger than that."

"Mmh," Ye Xiao Xiao nods. "But I doubt I will ever grow bigger than this. I like myself this way."

"I like you like that too," Lin Mo says. "But you still need to eat your fill, right?"

"Of course," Ye Xiao Xiao nods. She never gets ashamed when she talks about food to Lin Mo.

They eat while chatting about the normal things in life. Lin Mo tells her about the developments that have happened back at home, and she longs to go back.

But she knows very well that it is not the time. And it also seems like she does not have the right to decide when it comes to moving back.

There is Lu Min Chen around, who seems to be making every decision about her life. She cannot even remember when it started being like this.

After having her fill, Ye Xiao Xiao stands up and walks to the window. 

She stares at the busy city and feels excited. She used to like doing this in the past when she was at her home. 

But after her dad's death, she got a little busy. She no longer has the time to watch the streets. She has to make money to survive.

"You are not done eating," Lin Mo says, eying the cake on the table. This is what he had wanted her to eat most, but she has not even touched it. Did her taste change?

For as long as he can remember, Ye Xiao Xiao has always been a fan of cakes. And this here is her most favourite.

Why didn't she touch it? Or did she suspect something?

"I am full," Ye Xiao Xiao says. "I told you that I don't eat much nowadays."

"You don't like cakes anymore? I ordered this to be made for you," Lin Mo says, pointing at the cake at the centre of the table.

Every time he has a meal with her, the table is always filled with snacks and junk food. He knows her favourite ones. And today is not an exception.