
CH217. Are you okay?

She purses her lips to look at him. And she catches his expression when he placed the food in his mouth. He is forcing himself to eat.

Is it very bad? She moves closer and takes a bit of the same food, putting it into her mouth.

She spits it out the moment it touches her tongue. Gosh! What the hell is this respectable young master eating?

"You...stop!" Ye Xiao Xiao shouts and pulls the plate away from him. 

"What happened?" Lu Min Chen asks as he placed another spoonful into his mouth.

She snatches the spoon from him and throws it in the table.

Then without thinking, she holds his chin and forced her little fingers into his mouth, removing the food he had just placed in.

She takes a glass of water and hands it to him. "Have some," she says with a funny expression on her face.

Is this man stupid? Couldn't he just say that the food is not edible. How can he force himself to eat such kind of things.

"Are you okay?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks after Lu Min Chen places the glass back on the table.

"I am fine," Lu Min Chen says with a smile. "You had not tasted the food before?"

"Nope," Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. "What you were eating is close to poison. You should speak out at times," she says as she carries the food back to the kitchen.

"It is late now to cook again. Let us order something for breakfast," he says. ' I will teach you how to cook later.'

"Okay," Ye Xiao Xiao agrees. She was not planning to go to the kitchen to cook again. She was also thinking of ordering something for him.

She woke up three hours ago just to prepare this breakfast. It might take her another three hours to prepare another one.

And it is a guarantee that there won't be a big difference between it and this one.

"I will eat on my way to work," Lu Min Chen says. "Make sure you eat what that will be delivered."

"Okay, thank you," Ye Xiao Xiao says. One day has passed.

But she told him clearly that she does not know how to cook. Yet he refused to listen to her.

And he even tempted her with tripple the salary. Is she stupid?  No!

She is madly in need of money. And the money he is offering is so genuine. It is her sweat.  She has to grasp the chance with both hands.

She will be able to pay Lin Mo in a while. Then she will stop feeling guilty every time she meets him.

And they can go back to what they were in the past. Happy and cheery, making jokes here and now.

Right now, she feels like he is her senior every time they meet. And that makes her a bit uncomfortable. 

He is the one always bringing her gifts every time he visits. And she is always at the receiving end, with nothing to offer herself.