
CH215. I am sorry

"Talk to me, am listening," Lu Min Chen says to her. He moves a step forward and turns to face her, looking directly into her face.

Ye Xiao Xiao tries looking away. She gets mesmerized every time she looks at him. Her heart beats fast.

She is scared of getting engrossed in his beauty and making him learn of it.

She shakes her head at him. "I did not want to say anything," she says. 

Lu Min Chen observes her face for a while. "Are you falling in love with me Ye Xiao Xiao?" He asks with a smile on his lips.

Ye Xiao Xiao jolts awake from her thoughts. Did he realise something?

"No! You are really good at joking president Lu. Why on Earth would I fall in love with you?" She asks and looks away.

Lu Min Chen's moods go sour again. She does see any reason of falling in love with him?

He swallows hard and begins walking away. It seems like he is always wasting his energy trying to figure out her thoughts.

But just as he takes his second step out of the room, a small hand holds his.

For a second, he freezes, especially when he feels how smooth and warm the hand is.

He takes in deep breaths to calm himself down. Then he slowly turns to face her. This time, he does not take the initiative to speak.

He does not want another morale killing answer from her.

Ye Xiao Xiao, who has just acted on impulse realises what she has done.

When she saw him leaving, she had felt like stopping him. She did not want him to leave her room. And she ended up stopping him in such a way.

She quickly pulls back her hand and takes two steps backwards. Then she coughs awkwardly, with a blush on her face.

"I am sorry," she alologises. "I wanted to tell you that I will be starting the work tomorrow," she says, obviously lying.

And Lu Min Chen sees through her. She is obviously lying. This is because they had already concluded the topic. Whether she was willing or not, she would still have to work for him.

However, he cannot find any other reason for her stopping him. She even touched his skin.

"Are you scared of being in a room alone?" Lu Min Chen asks her.  There is a possibility that she is scared of being left in here alone. That could be the reason she does not want him to leave.

Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. "No, I am good. Good night young master," she says.

Lu Min Chen remains in that position for a very long time before nodding his head. "Good night too..." 

He had wanted to call her Xiao Xiao, but he stopped himself. He is scared  that that name might not be used by him in the future.

He takes steady steps out of the room, not turning to look at her even once. But deep inside him, he wishes that he had a chance of sharing a room with her today.