
CH212. Lock her up?

Then suddenly, she picks up a pillow from the sofa and throws it at Lu Min Chen. "It is a your fault you fool!" She screams.

Now see...she has lost her most precious daughter in law. And it is because her son is so stupid that he could not make her his.

Lu Min Chen holds the pillow and places it on the sofa beside him. But he is shocked. How is it his fault?

He is also a victim here. The person that is supposed to be his future wife is abandoning him to go on a date with another man!

"What! You took so long to confess to her. She would not be thinking about other men if you had done it earlier. I wonder if my child was exchanged at the hospital. I doubt I would give birth to a son like you!" Madam Lu continues shouting while throwing other pillows at him.

Then, just like she had began, she stops immediately. She stands up and wears a wry smile. " Actually son, I have an idea," she says.

Lu Min Chen looks at her, waiting eagerly to hear what she wants to say. 

"Why don't you force yourself on her before the other man does it?  You are powerful right? Then I will also push for your marriage.  She will be mad for only a few days then go back to normal. She will be yours..."

"Crazy!" Lu Min Chen says and stands up. 

"Wait, I am serious Ah Chen. Sometimes, you have to force some things. What if you lose her for good? Are you sure you are going to survive?" Madam Lu asks.

She does not want to see his son stay single for the rest of his life. And that is obviously going to happen if Ye Xiao Xiao gets married to someone else.

Lu Min Chen does not pause even once. He keeps walking away.

"Ah Chen!" Madam Lu calls in fury. " You began assuming me since the day you realised that you love someone else. But don't you worry, I know how to get you!"

Lu Min Chen smiles. "Don't you want me to love her? I am going to stop her from going on that date," he states.

"And how are you going to do that? Lock her up?" Madam Lu questions.

Lu Min Chen stops and turns to look at his mom. " What else can I do? I don't want her to be sad, but I will be the saddest if I let her go. I am locking her up," he says with a small pout.

"Pttf!" Madam Lu laughs. "Are you scared?" She asks. Her son looks quite cute with that pout. It has been so many years since she saw him in such a state.

"You are making fun of me," Lu Min Chen says sadly. He had thought that she would comfort him.

"No! Listen to me then," Madam Lu says with all seriousness. " Don't stop her from seeing the man."