
CH208. I want to see you

"Okay, you can continue with your work. There is no need to leave at all," Lu Min Chen says at last.

"No!" Ye Xiao Xiao replies. Realising that she has been to quick to say that, she covers her mouth. "I am sorry. I mean that the orphanage has been relocated. I cannot work for you while there anymore."

"You can work for me from home. Just deal with my meals like you did in the company. The salary will be doubled," he says.

He knows that she wants money now. He can as well as tempt her to stay. 

As long as he pays her well, she can stay and be beside him everyday.

"I really cannot, I don't know how to cook," Ye Xiao Xiao says.

All she wants is to leave and stay far away from him. She does not want to continue being enclosed in this house, especially now when she knows that she is in love with him.

"You don't know how to cook?" Lu Min Chen asks in stupor. He has been eating the food she prepared for him all that time in the company. Why is she trying to find an excuse not to work for him?

"Mmh, I was not the person cooking in the..." 

"Just cook, I will eat anything you cook," Lu Min Chen cuts her short. 

"But I really cannot cook," Ye Xiao Xiao says. All the food she served him in the company was always cooked by Manager Chen, not her.

"Triple salary," Lu Min Chen says. "You want to pay off your debts, right? I will triple your salary. Work for me."

"I don't know..." Ye Xiao Xiao is tempted. She gets tempted by money. If her salary is trippled, then she might be able to pay off Lin Mo in a few years. She will be free again.

"Just try. No one will pressure you," Lu Min Chen says. "Ye Xiao Xiao, that is settled, you can begin your work today."

Ye Xiao Xiao sighs. "I don't want to work here actually..."

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Her phone rings. Looking at the screen, her heart skips a bit. ' Brother Mo!"

She quickly picks it up after apologising to Lu Min Chen.

"Xiao Xiao," Lin Mo calls when she picks up.

"Brother Mo," Ye Xiao Xiao replies. It has been so long since they past talked.

"I missed you Xiao Xiao. Are you fine?" Lin Mo asks worriedly. He heard that the orphanage was moved. He wonders if Ye Xiao Xiao is really fine.

"I am fine Brother Mo," Ye Xiao Xiao replies. 

Lu Min Chen, whose face has turned cold since the time he realised whoever it was that was calling, frowns.

This girl still calls Lin Mo so sweetly. But his name has just remained President Lu in her mouth.

However, he does not interrupt her in her conversation. He just has to swallow all his jealousy.

"I want to see you. Do you have time tomorrow?" Lin Mo asks her.