
CH200. Mine alone

Yet she still feels so much bullied by him just when he looks at her like that.

The first thing that comes to her mind is to run for her dear life. She just feels like being as far away as possible from this horrible man.

Without thinking, she takes off and hurries to her room, leaving the crazy Lu Min Chen behind. But she does not miss the chuckling sounds from him. He is laughing at her.

Lu Min Chen looks at her departing figure and chuckles. "Why are you running away from me Little thing?" He asks inaudibly. "You have to know that you are mine... mine alone!"

Ye Xiao Xiao locks her door behind her and leans on it. She puts her hand on her chest to feel her fast beating heart.

What is happening nowadays? She gets so uneasy when close to Lu Min Chen. 

Her heart beat is always accelerating and her face burns up.

And she gets this uneasy feeling when he looks at her. That feeling... She cannot fully explain it.

She takes out her phone and types, 'Why does my heart beat fast when I am close to a certain man?'

She reads the results and she freezes.

'No! I am not in love with that psycho!'

She can never be in love with him, right?

She throws the phone on the bed and runs to the bathroom. She washes her face.

She must be exhausted or something. But she could never have fallen in love with Maniac Lu Min Chen!

She dries her face and looks at the mirror. And she freezes when she sees the marks on her neck.

Shit! No wonder his mother was that crazy today! This is your fault Lu Min Chen! 

Lu Min Chen walks upstairs to his room while in a good mood.

But the sight that befalls him makes him open his mouth in shock. 

Oh no! His room has never been this disfigured.

There are pillows all over the ground. The bed is unspread, the sheets scrunched up.

The blanket is left into a ball, with only a small part still on the bed, the other is on the floor.

The window curtains do not even sit well for him. Everything is a mess.

'What the hell was she doing? Does she fight in her sleep?'

She slept in his room. Isn't she supposed to make the bed before leaving?

Lu Min Chen takes in a deep breath before walking in.

He begins changing the sheets but an idea comes to his mind. He just straightens the one on the bed and folds the blankets neatly.

Then picks up the pillows and arranges them neatly on the bed.

After a while, he manages to bring back the room to what it is always.


If she was here for only one night and the room looked this disheveled, how is her room like?

Getting interested, Lu Min Chen walks to the direction of her room.

He knocks on the door and waits.