
CH199. Bully her again

However, Lu Min Chen puts both his hands into his pockets and walks some steps towards her, sizing her up and down.

"Do you want us to get married?" He asks, his expression looking so relaxed, like he is just joking.

But heavens know how much these words mean to him. He is longing for a positive answer from her.

He wishes that she was the one asking the question. And he would be the person required to give an answer.

He would never hesitate even for a second to give her the answer.

But it is already too bad that he will never have that chance anytime soon.

Anyway, it does not matter. Who knows? Things might change soon. 

Or maybe, he might be able to hear the answer he wants to hear from her.

It is never too bad to keep trying. Keep trying even if there is no hope at all.

He stares back at her, praying in his heart that there is change today.

He will even call for a wedding today if she says yes. But as usual, that is never what that he is going to get.

Ye Xiao Xiao raises her head to look at him. But his face is just as blank as it is always.

She hesitates for a moment before shaking her head determinedly. "Nope, all that was a misunderstanding," she says and looks straight into his eyes.

Lu Min Chen sighs. He does not show how disappointed he is on his face.

He knew this was coming, but he still insisted on asking.

But he is still a bit taken aback by her courage today. She has never had the courage to look at him like this before.

He holds her eyes, with no intention of letting her off today. ' Trying to grow more courageous you little thing? Let me see how far you go...'

Ye Xiao Xiao regrets ever looking into his eyes. She wants to look away but it seems like his eyes are holding her in place.

The hair on her body stand and her heart begins beating so fast again. 

She feels like he is eating her with his eyes. Or he is trying to melt her.

Her hands turns sweaty and her lips dry. She wishes that she was hiding away right now.

Lu Min Chen observes the tensing up and enjoys every bit of it. ' You will never stand up courageously before me little thing,' he says in his head again.

He even wonders how he began callng her little thing. But that name seems to suit her well...

The corners of his lips lift up again. She is actually very smaller that the other ladies her age.

What his mother said is very true. He should make sure that she eats well in the future.

But Ye Xiao Xiao comes back to her senses the moment she sees his smile. 

He is trying to bully her again. Why is it so? He has not even touched her or said anything to her.