
CH167. I am going back home

"Yan'er, I have my way of welcoming you back. Can I show you?" He asks and moves closer to her.

Lu Yu Yan tenses up, but she still looks at him. She wonders what kind of welcoming he is going to give her.

Yu Luoshan smiles and bends his head and kisses her lips abruptly, without warning.

But he too freezes when he feels how soft her lips are. He has never kissed anyone before.

Lu Yu Yan who is very shocked of being kissed by a man also freezes. This is her first kiss. It is stolen by Luoshan, the man she has always been thinking about for so many years.

But her instincts tell her to run. She does not know why she needs to run. But she still does as she thinks.

She pushed Yu Luoshan away and runs as fast as her legs can carry her. Her face is so much blushed up.

Yu Luoshan looks at her as she escapes and he touches his lips. He smiles and walks away. 'Meet you soon Yan'er,' he says in his heart.


Ye Xiao Xiao us still crying even when they get into the car. Lu Min Chen hugs her tightly. He does not know of anything else that he is supposed to do.

He had thought that she cried at first because she was emotional. He had proposed to her without even preparing her in advance.

And he did it before so many people. She must have been scared a lot.

But she is still crying even now. He is not sure of how he is supposed to behave towards her now.

"Stop crying Xiao Xiao,' he says gently in her ears. He gently wipes away her tears. She looks pitiful. He does not like seeing her cry like that.

But after Ye Xiao Xiao cools down, she pushes him away and moves to the other side of the car. She does not want to be any closer to him.

"Drop me off at avenue street please," she says to the driver.

But the driver looks at Lu Min Chen for confirmation. He has the final say in this.

"Do you want to get something there?" Lu Min Chen asks and tries to hold her hand. But she pushes him away.

"I am leaving. I am going back home," he says and wipes away her tears.

"What? Why are you leaving when we just got engaged?" Lu Min Chen asks her as his eyes turn cold.

"That was a mistake. You are supposed to get engaged to Han Chan. I don't want to come between you," Ye Xiao Xiao replies and looks out.

Lu Min Chen is shocked. "Is that why you are crying?" He asks. She is not happy because he proposed to her instead of Han Chan?

"Nope, I am okay," she says and looks away. "You should not have done that. Your grandpa is going to hunt me down. I am not safe here anymore. I will go back home."