
CH131. A billion!

"Cough cough!" Lu Min Chen coughs awkwardly. He has never met someone like this before. She likes eating?

Ye Xiao Xiao pats his back quickly. Her dad and Lin Mo have always been doing this to her whenever she chokes.

But then she remembers that he has not been eating anything. "Are okay Young master?" She asks worriedly.

Lu Min Chen nods his head and holds her hands. Things might get bad if she keeps patting his back like that.

"I mean...what else do you like doing apart from eating snacks?" He questions her. He gets very curious. How can someone just declare that they like eating?

Other girls her age would try very much to hold their images. They might even make one think that they don't eat at all.

But this Ye Xiao Xiao is just too naive and honest. She is who she is. And that is one of the reasons he gets so much attracted to her.

"Mmh...." Ye Xiao Xiao sinks deep into thought. Lu Min Chen is confused that she has to think this hard to know what she likes.

"Maybe sleeping," Ye Xiao Xiao says. "I think the thing I like second is sleeping."

Lu Min Chen looks at her well. Could she be just joking with her words?

But she looks so serious. Eating and sleeping? Huh! He had thought he had seen every kind of joke in this world.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at him when he says nothing. "Is it bad to eat and sleep?" She asks. "My dad used to say that all I needed was just that. That he could provide me with everything else," she adds sadly when she talks about her dad.

Lu Min Chen sees her sad look and pities her. He knows about her dad's death already. "Don't work then. Just eat and sleep," he says.

He can provide everything to her from now onwards. He wants her to be happy.

"He he!" Ye Xiao Xiao laughs awkwardly. "I have to work hard. I still have debts to pay."

"Debts?" Lu Min Chen is  shocked. Why didn't he know of this before? "Do you owe someone?"

"Mmh. I owe brother Mo a lot of money. I also need a house for myself in the future, and food and clothes. You see, I need to work."

"How much do you owe Lin Mo?" He asks as a certain light passes through his eyes.

"It is a lot. Just so much that I can't tell. He paid for part of my dad's bills and provided me with food after his death. I can't tell how much exactly," Ye Xiao Xiao says.

It even dawns on her that she does not know how much she owes him. How much is she going to pay him then?

"A billion!" Lu Min Chen says. "Let us say that you owe him one billion...or is it less?" He asks.

He hates the thought of her owing other men. If she has to owe someone something, then it has to be him.