
CH129. Ye Xiao Xiao is tired

"I am here to see my daughter in law of course!" His mother replies. "I heard that she spend the night here. Is it true?" She asks quickly.

She had been so excited when she heard that his slow witted son had actually taken a girl home.

Lu Min Chen looks at her angrily. "Xiao Xiao is tired and still taking a rest. You cannot meet her now!" He says.

"What?" Madam Lu asks in shock. "What did you do to her?" She asks.

Her mind runs wild immediately. Ye Xiao Xiao spend the night in his house, and he is saying that she is tired and resting?

A big smile of satisfaction appears on her face. She moves closer to Lu Min Chen. "Ah Chen, I know that you are so energetic. But you should at least go easy on her. She is still a young girl. She will be exhausted soon if you keep making her unable to get out of bed in the morning," she says.

Lu Min Chen gets shocked hearing his mom's words. "Mom! What are you thinking about?" He asks.

Nothing like that happened between Ye Xiao Xiao and him. He only hugged her to sleep. He even blushes thinking in the same line as his mom. Perverted!

"I understand son," Madam Lu says. "Be good to her. I won't disturb her now since she is tired. Just protect her from your grandpa," she pats his head lovingly and walks away with a big smile.

His son is now mature... And normal! He even took a woman to bed. It means that they have to prepare for a wedding soon. She is going to be a grandma!

Seeing that she is willing to leave, Lu Min Chen decides not to explain anything to her. He smiles and turns away.

But he halts when he realises that Lei Ran is still seated. And she seems so shocked.

"Oh,I will be taking my leave then," she says with a pale face. She does not believe the words she just heard.

That woman... They called her Ye Xiao Xiao... Her name is a bit familiar.

She has heard that there is a servant at the orphanage that Lu Min Chen pays close attention to.

It must be her. She had not paid close attention to her because she knew that she was just someone in the passing.

There have been so many other women there and they still left. She could never bother herself with a nobody working at the orphanage.

But to think that she spend the night at Lu Min Chen's house....

And if what the Madam said is true...Could something gave happened between the two?

Lu Min Chen has not said anything to refute it. Did he do anything with her?

Ye Xiao Xiao! Who is she exactly? For her to be able to get the attention of Lu Min Chen like that...

Did she just seduce him? That could explain why she was in his living room with just a pair of shorts. She must have seduced him!