
CH125. Is she his girlfriend?

She has been working very well in her job and everyone has been appreciating her.

She has even attended very many important meetings with or on behalf of Lu Min Chen. She has been so close to him for so many years.

Even people in the company began saying that the two are a perfect match for each other. Some even think that they have a thing for each other.

"But I want to stay here," Ye Xiao Xiao says calmly. "Uncle Hu, is it a crime if I stayed here a little more. I like relaxing like this," Ye Xiao Xiao asks and even changes the way she addresses the Butler.

"No! Not at all," Butler Hu says. He is touched by the way she has addressed him. Lu Min Chen would call him that too. It feels great, like his presence is appreciated. 

"The young master said that you could sit anywhere you want or do anything you like," he adds and looks at her with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Hu," Ye Xiao Xiao says and continues eating her snacks. She just wants to enjoy this life a little before she goes away.

Lei Ran gets so angry when she hears that. Did Lu Min Chen really say that? She doubts.

"You people are lying," Lei Ran says. "Wait until Min Chen arrives. I will make sure you don't like it."

Ye Xiao Xiao does not miss how she keeps calling Lu Min Chen. Are they very close? Or...is she his girlfriend.

She remembers asking Lu Min Chen that day if there is someone he likes. And he said there was. Could she have offended the wrong person?

"You," Lei Ran says pointing at Ye Xiao Xiao. "Bring me a glass of water."

Even Butler Hu is shocked by the command. He looks at Ye Xiao Xiao apologetically. "I will bring it to you," he says to Lei Ran.

"No!" Lei Ran says and shakes her head. "I want her to bring it to me. Men are usually not very hygienic. I don't want to get a stomach upset soon."

Ye Xiao Xiao squints her eyes at her again. Who is this woman? Why is she so hateful? 

She looks at Butler Hu who appears so wronged. Those words were so harsh and demeaning.

She turns back to Lei Ran and asks, "Miss Lei, how much do you plan to pay me for that service?" 

"Pay you?" Lei Ran asks back. "Don't you people get paid for your work here?" 

Even though Butler Hu has said that Ye Xiao Xiao is not a servant, he might just be covering up for her.

What else could she be doing in this house? She has never seen any other woman enter this house.

"That is different from this. We are not paid to serve you," Ye Xiao Xiao says stubbornly. "And butler Hu has better things to do rather than attending to disrespectful visitors." 

"You...this woman..." Lei Ran does not even know what to say.