
CH111. She ran away

Ye Xiao Xiao blushes. "No!" She says. She does not want to share a room with him. Men and women should keep their distance.

"It would have been nice," Lu Min Chen says. "But take this, in case of any danger, press it. I will come immediately," he says and hands her a remote control.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at it before smiling at him. She places it under the blanket next to her. That is her weapon for now.

Lu Min Chen gets jealous that she treats it lovingly than she does to him.

It should be him sleeping close to her on this bed. But since she is willing to stay in his house, she forgives her for that today.

He does not feel like leaving. It is only because he is going to deal with her perpetrators that he has to leave. He wants to avenge her.

He goes into his car while calling his assistant. "Did the man confess?" He asks.

"No," Li Chan says. "He even attempted to commit suicide but we managed to stop him on time. He is unconscious now."

"Okay, I am on my way. Find a way to wake him up on time," he says.

"Boss," Li Chan calls again, fear evident in his voice.

"What happened?" Lu Min Chen asks him. He already knows that whatever that he is going to hear is not good news.

"It is Han Chan," Li Chan says. "She ran away, but our men are already after her," he adds when Lu Min Chen remains silent. He knows that his boss does not like to be delayed.

"She ran away?" Lu Min Chen asks with a smile. "Make sure she is found before tomorrow."

"Okay boss," Li Chan replies and sighs in relief. He had thought that Lu Min Chen would get so mad that Han Chan ran away.

Even him as his secretary, has always never been sure of the relationship between the two, Han Chan and Lu Min Chen.

Han Chan is always close to the chairman and his wife. And she has always told everyone that she is engaged to Lu Min Chen.

But after personally witnessing the relationship between Lu Min Chen and Ye Xiao Xiao, he begins getting his own doubts.

Lu Min Che has never given Han Chan even a fraction of the attention he gives to Ye Xiao Xiao now.

He has always been scared of handling Han Chan, but after hearing his boss command today, he relaxes. 


Lu Min Chen walks into an underground dungeon. The so many servants he has there all bow at him in respect.

They are arranged in two straight lines. Everyone is at attention that one would think that a prime minister is being welcomed.

It has been very long since President Lu Min Chen personally came to visit.

He usually never handles the dirty jobs by himself. But when he decides to do it, it must be  something very important to him.