
CH101. He even uses his mouth!

Lu Min Chen begins pumping her chest and water pours out of her mouth. It is obvious that she has drunk so much water.

There is already a crowd gathered around. Some were alarmed when they saw their boss run like that and followed behind.

"Call the doctor!" Lu Min Chen orders fearfully as he continues performing his first aid on her.

Some of his men move forward to help but he refuses to leave the girl. He Fies not want anybody else to get closer to her.

He even uses his mouth on hers, startling the large crowd around.

At the back of the crowd, a tensed up Han Chan stands. Apart from Lu Min Chen, no one else knows that she was behind this accident.

She tries hoping that even Lu Min Chen did not see her pushing Ye Xiao Xiao in the pool.

She feels bad seeing how he cares about her. He personally ran to save her. He does not not even want anybody else close to her.

Her heart aches. Why hasn't she ever received such kind of tender treatment from him? Is she bad?

She regrets that this Ye Xiao Xiao is not dead. If she wakes up, will she tell out about what that happened?

She trembles at the thought. She has to make her plans quickly. She cannot allow Ye Xiao Xiao to live.

No! Her future plans cannot perish because of this stupid girl.

If she does not get rid of her now, she will never manage doing it again in the future.

And it will be too late for her to do anything. If the two get engaged, it will mark the beginning of ridicule for her.

She has always pictured herself beside Lu Min Chen since young. The position of the Lu madam must solely belong to her.

She has already made everyone believe that Lu Min Chen and her are engaged. And now, she is slowly beginning to loose face.

She wishes to leave so that no one can look at her now. But she is scared that it might raise suspicion.

"Where is the doctor?" Lu Min Chen asks when he still does not see the doctor around. It has been some minutes already.

Does that stupid doctor want to die? Or is he tired of working for him? How can he come late when Ye Xiao Xiao's life is at stake.

"Young master, he is on the way," one subordinate reports.

Lu Min Chen stares at the girl who is still lying unconsciously. Her body is so cold, and she is still in the wet clothes.

Actually, they both are wet. But he does not care about himself for now. He wants to save Ye Xiao Xiao. She must be comfortable first before anything else.

"Send him to my office when he comes," he says and carries Ye Xiao Xiao in his hands again. He hugs her closer to himself and runs towards get office.

"Auntie Chen," Lu Min Chen calls manager Chen. "Please, come with me."