
CH100. He jumped in to save her

He drops his phone to the ground and rushes out, his heart beating so loudly.

He even wishes that he had the power to fly.

This is winter. Heavens know how cold the water can be now...and it is still early in the morning.

She might freeze to death if she is not saved immediately.


Han Chan claps her hands in satisfaction. 'You should die here today,' she says in her head and begins walking away.

She chose this specific time knowing that everyone else will be at work and no body will be at this side.

She used the young master's name because she knew that the stupid Ye Xiao Xiao will obey and not raise any alarms.

'I am older than you Ye Xiao Xiao. Don't ever think you can win against me,' she says again.

She has dealt with even bigger women, a small girl like her is just like a piece of cake to Han Chan.

Since the day she decided to love Lu Min Chen, she swore to do everything to be his.

She won't allow any other woman misplace her. Not when she have up her life, career and freedom to come and work in this stinking orphanage.

However,she freezes the next second when she sees Lu Min Chen running in her direction. Her mind goes blank.

"Min Chen," she calls apprehensively and tries stopping him from heading closer.

Lu Min Chen, who is still trembling, pushes her aside and jumps directly into the pull.

He jumped in? He came to save her? Where was he? Did he see everything that happened?

Han Chan begins shaking. Will he send her away when he learns the truth? No! She cannot leave him. He is her life...


Ye Xiao Xiao thinks that everything is finished and gives up struggling.

She gives up hope of ever surviving as she feels herself unable to breath.

A tear, that cannot be visible in the water, drops from her eyes.

She is dying just like this. And it is because of her stupidity. She refused to listen to Lu Min Chen when he told her about Han Chan.

But the very next second, she feels something grabbing onto her body.

She realised that someone has pulled her towards them and her heart begins beating again.

She realises that she has been brought out of the water. She is saved.

"Min Chen..." She calls unconsciously.

Lu Min Chen freezes again when she calls his name like that. He looks at her in his hands, but remembers that she is still in danger.

He puts her down on the grass and gets on top of her. "Xiao Xiao..." He calls fearfully.

Ye Xiao Xiao hears his voice and her heart relaxes completely. He saved her! He actually saved her! It is him.

But she cannot answer as her breathing becomes heavy and her chest is full of water. It even hurts to breath.

She weakly tugs at his sleeves before closing her eyes.