
Mania of love

DaoistImNumk · Urban
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10 Chs


Rose never thought that the destruction of her life would be all because of her grandparents who have seen her grow, cared for her, and knows her most.

She is still in great shock that her death is related to her grandparent's and cousin's scheme just because they hate her. After seeing the true face of her grandparents her heart turned cold like the glacier unable to melt from the two poles of Earth. With this Earth-shattering surprise, she closed her sights to not open them again cause she didn't believe in God.

To her surprise, after breathing her last breath, suddenly there is a light source directed towards the turmoil. She tried to understand the words which are penetrating her head but at last, ignored them because she didn't understand anything causing a headache, and can only try to minimize the intense headache by calming herself. she is now a dead body and thought this should be her funeral where people are laughing and pointing their hands toward her describing her past to one another.

After a while, the noise level didn't reduce but increased she was so frustrated that she wanted to scream even if it is heaven and hell it doesn't matter! It is torture. Every word echoed is troubling her head. Even after death, she has no peace.

She thought that before death the life she lived was not relaxed, it should be very peaceful after death but didn't expect there would also be noise and complicated situations.

"They just want to care about Boyle and ignored our little Rose to drown in the cold water pond if not for little Jack our Rose would have been..." taking a deep breath the person didn't continue the statement but the meaning is clear and slowly said again "and now blaming our little one for protecting herself is your mother and father these unreasonable and just started to blame Rose."

Before she could open her eyes someone is embracing her and crying. Now she can hear the words of another person. It can be described as a sorrowful cry that could only get out from a worried person. She heard the person who is embracing her mumbling again.

" How could this happens to our darling she is so little to do things like push someone just because of some matters regarding playing. This is accusing just because our Rose is unconscious, wait till my darling opens her eyes then we will discuss this matter openly."

Then taking a deep breath a man said and his voice contain concern and trust " I know our little Rose cannot do such an action. They simply want to blame our little love. This matter can be cleared after Little Rose gets consciousness then we will discuss it, she will never do such an action."

At this eternity the person who is under the embrace is showing some action. Slowly opening her eyes Rose observed her surroundings and only found this is a hospital there were no more than two people and she is in a hospital dress. After observing the room and two people she is dumbfounded to see the most important people in her life. She is so nervous and thought this is a dream which may never be true. With this thought, a strong sense of bitterness in her heart which can be described as guilt erupted. These two are her parents who loved her entirely and protect her from every harm but she didn't accept this love and jumped into a nightmare.

Rose who just wanted to whine could not hold herself and started to refresh old memories this is the time when she is 6years old when she and Boyle her cousin were playing and suddenly Boyle pushed her into cold water and in that sudden moment she accidentally caught Boyle's sleeve to protect herself from falling into the cold water but Boyle was standing without any strengths so both fell into the water. When both of them fall into the water because Boyle is two years older than her with her servant around her she got herself safely out and leaves her there saying she will find someone to rescue her. But her rescue person didn't come after a long time. If her brother Jack had not appeared with his maid then she would have been dead. Now thinking about it isn't Boyle hated her since childhood?

Coming back to sense the woman who is embracing her has a stunning appearance and wearing a black business suit she looked elegant with a fair skin color, making a bun of her long golden river-like hair she is her mother Catherine Amber. The man who is standing at her side with a concerned expression has sharp facial features and beautiful blue eyes like the ocean also in the business clothes is her father Leo Amber. Both have come in hurry without changing into different clothes from a business trip. They have cared for her so much but she didn't cherish it, and now it is too late to regret it. She is a dead person. Without her knowing her tears started to flow.

And the two-person who is staring at her had painful expressions because her reaction was so unexpected they thought she would scream but to their surprise, she didn't utter a single word just cried without any utterances.

After a moment the beautiful woman who is hugging her slowly said with pain and concern in her words  "don't worry, Little Rose mama is here with you no one will harm you I'll protect you, are you frightened because of that incident? Baby tell me how are you feeling, why not speak?"

Catherine Amber has slowly started to feel anxious don't know why but she had a feeling that her daughter is a little weird. Not only that but Leo also has an unpleasant expression.

Leo Amber has a precise understanding of her behavior but now he couldn't help but feel a little discomfort seeing her silent cry. He slowly said "Little darling how are you feeling now? Is there any pain in the back and how is the fever didn't reduce?" Saying like this he extended his hand to pat her back.

Subsequently, Rose who is stunned slowly said while shaking her head "there is no discomfort,  father, mother no need to worry about it." And started to feel that these actions in dreams are so real. If only this was true.

Her voice is also the same as it was like a child's sweet voice. Her arms were a little cute without a single scratch, tender and flawless skin. Her golden hair is like her mother Catherine and her blue eyes are like her father Leo. She has inherited the beauty of both her parents.

While she was thinking about her past. Both mother and father were stunned greatly because Rose is only 6 years old. At this age, she should be crying loudly without any concern but she is crying without any noise and also answered like an adult to not let them worried about her. It would be a painful circumstance for every parent to be unable to see their daughter's innocent complaints. It's great to be sensitive but she is too young to be this sensitive.

Now seeing their daughter like this both Mr. and Mrs. Amber doubt that there are additional reasons for their daughters to fall into the water it is not that simple. Rose is always left with her grandparents because they have to be in company and her elder brother Jack has to study so can not accompany Rose all the time. Sometimes her cousin Boyle would accompany her playing and there is no other person besides her except these people so her reaction should be related to them.