

JGFLINT · Action
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Chapter 3 Evalution of gang

After 4 year Harry met an GTM neon brought many guns for gang It's tough from bomingham then after 4 years they complete to make a gang and it consists of 5 member and then they fight with another can and then a woman comes with child me and my child will not move until you will stop shooting said the woman you move or not we don't care we will not stop shooting and fighting (Boss of the other gang Said) I am your brother's wife you can disrespect me( Diana said) OK Diana if you won't fight you can fight but fight by yourself I mean boss versus boss( Diana said) You are right Harry said then Harry without any Question and asking he shoots the other gang leader and the leader of the other gang dies the whole gang started going and Harry's gang also goes to the other gang and say if you want to join my gang you can as than everyone joins the gang of Harry

To be Continue