

After suffering an unimaginable betrayal at the hands of his own family, an ancient Macedonian -Greco-Roman warrior prince from the land of Median, finds himself under the effects of an unending curse after being restored to life by his misguided mother who had inadvertently turned him into a demon beast at with the guidance of vile witches, after laying siege to many contested lands by way of a vast humanoid wolven army bred from his own loins and being trapped for thousands of years sealed in a silver coffin due to the efforts of The Ordo Argenteus, and thrown into the coldest region of the arctic, the ever vengeful man-beast of a prince returns to the land of the living in a modern age courtesy of an avarice driven English born and boorish man and his socially awkward young nephew.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 32: Simple Pleasures Of Blissful Affection

The Washroom, The Home Of Lycidas, The Kingdom Of Medina, 520 B.C...

 The second Prince of Medina, Lycidias watched with rapt attention as his lovely wife washed his bare body as they sat together in the warm waters of their tub enjoying the simple peace of being in one another's company yet again. His latest campaign had been one of triumph but he'd been more concerned with his home life. Months of marching and fighting had put quite a bit into perspective and what it was that made him happy as far as Lycidias had been concerned. He was of the mind to enjoy the simple pleasures that life had to offer, which included his lovely wife bathing him of her own accord. He had never known a more beautiful and homely woman, which had been odd to consider when one recalled how they first met. She'd been chained and humiliated by fools who had not known the worth of the lovely jewel they had before them and as a consequence he had picked up on their folly for the betterment of his own existence. 

Side by side, they fought bloodying the beach where they had been held captive dropping bodies in unison and in the spirit of healthy competition, which led to her capturing his heart as he turned his attention to making her into his wife from the moment he saw her in her true element. 

Now here she had been in the present cleaning the blood and dirt from his body with ease as her warm smile melted his heart as much as it had that day on the beach. He considered himself to have been a truly fortunate man, the woman who had become his wife had been foreign as far as their customs had gone but she seemed to have adapted well enough. She had never spoken much of her homeland nor the people in it very often if at all. 

Lycidias had secretly wondered if she had missed it or her family at all. Lady Mira had been quite the diplomat and warrior in her own right and it had appeared to everyone who had met with her that she possessed a good deal of civilized breeding. She'd been quite a wonder as far as Medina had been concerned and almost like an exotic wonder, it had been no secret that Lycidias had been enamored by her striking beauty and delicate poise but few had known just how lovely she looked covered in the blood of her enemies and splattered with sand in the heat of combat. 

The rather pleased battle-weary warrior had eased into a comforting peace as his wife continued to wash him amid the warm waters of his tub, the dirt and grime of combat and the stench of sex and sweat all seemed to melt away amid flowery perfumes and the scrubbing of animal fats. The rigid muscles on the impeccable physique of the rather imposing warrior had been all the more alluring as his wife managed to get him clean and he loosened himself from his combative range of muscle. 

They shared another series of kisses and Lady Mira smiled, a beautiful smile if ever Lycidias had ever seen it before she concluded his bathing and took her leave of her now resting husband to see to their children and the remainder of their estate giving him a bit of peace in the wake of his return from battle. She had truly loved him despite the circumstances of their initial meeting and always seemed to have his best interest at heart. Even when it came to his seemingly untameable libido due to his prowess in bed. 

Once Lady Mira had planted one final kiss upon her slumbering husband's brow, she exited the washroom and left him to his light rest. Lycidias had been quite drowsy but warm and comfortable as he relaxed in the tub. He noted her absence as he often did and opted for better rest in his own bed, a far better trade-off despite the boon of the warm water no longer lapping against his sore muscles. 

He climbed out of the tub, forgoing any attire as the remaining water dripped from his rather impressive body and his thick cock twitched once it had left the warmth and was given to the cool open air. Feeling his libido stir once more, the second prince of Medina opted to seek out another body to warm his bed while his wife recovered and Lena got her much-needed rest due to work and pregnancy. 


The Servant's Quarters, The Home Of Lycidas, The Kingdom Of Medina, 520 B.C...

 Tamera had been shocked to find that she'd been laying in her bed when she opened her eyes following the rather deep and lustful instruction of her Master to open her eyes as he towered above her, his thick cock slick from their bath and pulsing at her sore and barely broken in, entrance. She had attempted to beg him not to but his lust had been unruly and he thrust inside her pulling her close and shoving his thick appendage past her folds as his massive naked muscular body was still damp from their bath and dripped the remaining water onto her bed soaking her bedding as she attempted to squirm in his grasp. Rough calloused hands pulled her down onto the thick cock that speared her swollen depths with reckless abandon as she whimpered and arched forward against the naked brute that had been her master's bare wet chest. 

Lycidias seemed to take a bit of pity on the newly deflowered lass but not much given his lust had gotten the better of him. Tamera leaned against him clinging to the wild brute that jolted her small slender frame along his massive appendage growling in her ear as he sought to adhere to his willful lust and use the young body that his wife had gifted him upon his return home. 

Tamera whimpered as her small breasts pressed against the massive chest of her master as he continued to jolt her along his eager cock the thickness stretching her inner depths as he pummeled her swollen sex relishing the sensation of warmth and slickness from his previous release after filling her young and formerly untouched womb for the first time.