

After suffering an unimaginable betrayal at the hands of his own family, an ancient Macedonian -Greco-Roman warrior prince from the land of Median, finds himself under the effects of an unending curse after being restored to life by his misguided mother who had inadvertently turned him into a demon beast at with the guidance of vile witches, after laying siege to many contested lands by way of a vast humanoid wolven army bred from his own loins and being trapped for thousands of years sealed in a silver coffin due to the efforts of The Ordo Argenteus, and thrown into the coldest region of the arctic, the ever vengeful man-beast of a prince returns to the land of the living in a modern age courtesy of an avarice driven English born and boorish man and his socially awkward young nephew.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 18: The Wicked Venom Of A Viper

The Bedchambers Of Queen Clelia Of Rome, The Castle Of Medina, The Kingdom Of Medina 540 B.C...

   Another long night of endless need awaited the spiteful first Queen of Medina as she lay in the center of her large bed amid the soft delicate sheets of specially imported and rather expensive satin. She no longer shared her bed with her husband following his unseemly impregnation of the barbarian girl he made his second wife and the ache in her loins was getting to be quite bothersome. Behind his back, she took to seeking the anonymous comforts of the young muscle-bound warriors of Medina, but none had possessed the skill nor the appeal to sustain her for very long. Each night she'd gone to bed given to fantasy and the efforts of her fingers dancing along her slick sex wishing to obtain true release with a man of substance and who had appetites as unruly as her own when it came to the art of shameless rutting.

Clelia was a beautiful woman despite her given age and quite intriguing when it came to matters such as subterfuge and the art of double-dealing. She amassed a good deal of wealth via her trade deals and black market dabbling, a resourceful measure of business in all the right places and she was even given to enlisting the many foolish young men she took to bed in her unsavory pastimes which included but are not limited to outright murder whenever someone had crossed her.

Despite her numerous bed partners and even the lapping tongues of her maidens to attempt to quell her unyielding lusts, Queen Clelia found herself more and more drawn to the young man who had plagued her very dreams and ignited her most forbidden desires ever since he'd come of age and began his training to become a warrior. As much as she hated to admit it even to herself on those long nights when oppressed via the heat of her lust and the oh-so-vivid memories of her secret past, she could find no other to match the ferocity and passion of her step-son who had taken her like a wild animal following a hunt during his misspent youth.

Young Lycidas had not even been aware that it was she that he found bathing alone via a solitary stream as naked as the day she was born and her breasts large and dangling beneath the crisp cool waters. The lad had only bedded one maiden beforehand and she refused to see him again not knowing how to enjoy the simple pleasure of being taken by a man given completely to his desire.

Queen Clelia often envied the women who had the privilege of experiencing young Lycidas' notoriously large cock frequently. His father left a lot to be desired when it came to good old-fashioned rutting, but the son was quite gifted. Once more the first queen began to pleasure herself via the intrusion of her fingers as she began to writhe in bed recalling the intimate details of the shameless rutting she participated in with her own and largely unwanted stepson.

The lad was quite fit, given to ripples of tight yet well-defined muscle even then. He'd hit a growth spurt in recent weeks towering over many of the older men and other boys in the kingdom as his first chest hairs began to sprout and he made the decision to try for a beard. His face was smooth at that time as was his chest despite the onset of a beginning chest hair. Queen Clelia found herself watching him closely as he became much more handsome as the years went by than even his father when they first met.

She had taken time for herself annoyed with the constant presence of her servants and simply wished to take a dip to cool off as the heated summer sun continued to beam down on the kingdom relentless in its intent.

The cool crisp waters of the fairly distant stream brought the promise of relief as sweat seemed to cascade down her body in waves. Searching for relief and solitude from the ongoing noise and work to be done for the kingdom, Clelia ventured out on her own not even bothering to inform the king or her own overbearing and needy son where she planned to go.

The first few moments away from Medina were seemingly magical as her worries and cares seemed to vanish at once. She set her sights on the stream in anticipation of the rushing waters giving relief to her heated body. While she'd been preoccupied with her thoughts, she did not notice that there had been another who had come to the same conclusion and slipped out of Medina in a bid to find comfort via the stream and solitude away from the rabble of the main city.

Young Lycidas had recently returned from his hunt and was looking to cleanse himself in the stream of the blood that covered him as well as the sweat from the beaming heat of the sun. He approached the stream after catching sight of a naked woman more beautiful than he'd ever seen bathing in the cool waters and found himself aroused at the sight of her dangling breasts and slick dark hair.

Given to urges beyond his years, young Lycidas approached her splashing about the waters and intent on sating his youthful lust as his cock swelled even then into a massive girth and he was no longer in control of his mind for a maddening instinct to have the beautiful older woman drove him to capture her amid the stream.

Queen Clelia could hardly breathe when she felt herself being pounced upon via a strong and brutal force that knocked her off her feet and into the waiting deep end of the stream. She barely got herself to crawl toward the bank, her exposed arse high in the air as she felt a harsh grip about her waist and something hard and pulsing against the opening of her sex despite the coolness of the water splashing between them.

She couldn't contain her scream as she felt the unwelcome intrusion of a cock that seemed to come from out of nowhere spitting her insides as if it had that right and the pelvis that smashed along her exposed backside lacked much of the hair that came with the onset of puberty.

The queen found her cheeks burned and became crimson when she attempted to make sense of how some sex-crazed brute would bend her over and invade her as if she'd been little more than a common whore. She didn't know it at the time but the idea aroused her to no end as the brute continued to shove his enormous cock deep into her now aching orifice.

A wanton moan passed through her lips as she found herself being caked with mud and dirt while the brute continued to plow into her body claiming the womb which had only been meant for her husband the king and birthed her only son Basilius some odd number of years ago.

The brute who had elected to take her this way growled as intensely as a beast when in the throes of lust and continued to pound away at her very insides. Never before had she been taken so mercilessly and never had she found that she was quite pleased by it. Another series of moans escaped her lips despite the many attempts she made to stifle them. She had not wished to give the brute the satisfaction of knowing that he held any sort of command over her body and that this conquest of sorts would only result in his immediate execution once she revealed that she was the first wife of King Myron and Queen of Medina.

The series of heated kisses and light pecking along her spine caused her to cry out in pleasure as she arched her back causing the cock inside her to travel further and her bare arse to press harder into the thrusting pelvis of the brute who had elected to take her by force. A sensation of pleasure filled her body like never before as she found herself whimpering while leaning her head back as far as she could to capture the lips that teased and bit at her tender flesh.

It had occurred to her that this brute was taking her on a day that was regulated for ovulation and as a result it only heightened the sense of danger and excitement of the act as she would be quite close to birthing this lustful brute's bastard should he manage to impregnate her.

Just the thought of her young belly swelling as a result of this wicked little deed drove her into ecstasy as she now clung to the brute who continued to plow his enormous cock into her depths not at all aware of her identity nor the fact that he'd been dangerously close to giving her his bastard child.

The force of her release sent her crawling forward on her belly splashing into the wet mud from the stream as he followed still gripping her hips and slamming his pelvis into her backside while biting at the flesh of her neck and kissing along her spine. Queen Clelia found herself enjoying this, the sheer force of will and the example of power on the part of the lustful brute continued to add to her excitement.

Her heart beat thunderously within the confines of her chest as she began to sink her fingernails into the slick mud below them moaning in response to being taken so roughly. It seemed he couldn't get enough of her growling like a madman as his pace increased with each thrust. He had lasted quite longer than her husband would amid her clenching depths and seemed to be poised for more as the telltale sign of dusk loomed in the sky and the area near the stream darkened via the shadows of the forest.

When their rather pleasant act finally came to an end, she gripped the mud with all her might as her lustful brute thrust into her for a final time aiming his enormous cock deeper into her womb as burst after burst of hot and thick seed poured into her. She deduced that her brute was a younger man judging by how thick and continuous the bursts of seed had been as it filled her.

Another kiss and he collapsed onto her back with his heavy head resting along her spine and exposed buttocks. After several moments of panting and coming to her senses as her lust-fogged mind became clear, she watched the brute who had taken her roll onto the ground beside her half in the stream and asleep from his efforts. It was a great shock to her senses when she soon discovered that the young brute had been none other than her stepson Lycidas who was out on his hunt when he discovered her bathing in the stream.

Recalling the pleasurable events as well as the indignity of being taken by force, Queen Clelia was filled with conflicting emotions. In the end, she chose not to report the incident to his father and simply kissed him while he slept savoring the experience as she stroked his enormous cock still slick via their mutual release. She had never experienced anything quite like that before or since as she watched him become a full-on warrior and take many women to bed after her.

The jealousy she felt at having to watch him from afar and the longing she had to have him back between her thighs was immense. He didn't seem to have any recollection of the event nor that it was her he'd taken as his youthful hormones had gotten the better of him and he seemed to sense that she'd been in heat even when her husband, who had preferred to spend his days and nights in the bed of his second wife, had not.

Queen Clelia found out a few weeks after the encounter that she'd been with a child as the onset of nausea and induced vomiting despite the time passing gave it away. In her sly manner, she managed to get the drunken king into bed as a means of blaming her condition on her husband who remained clueless as to who had truly been the sire of her unborn child.

When her pregnancy was announced before the kingdom, there was a great feast which young Lycidas attended and Queen Clelia contemplated telling him that the child she was carrying belonged to him, but in the end chose to keep her secret. She grew all the more jealous of his affairs with random maidens and longed for him all the more when nothing could compare to the intense experience of being with him. She got a sense of twisted pride when she saw King Myron and the lesser Queen Maeve together knowing full well that it was their grandchild she carried in her belly unbeknownst to them.

She managed one trimester before losing the baby to a horrific miscarriage after a particularly vile argument with a drunken King Myron about her curious behavior on the day Lycidas had been among the ranks of the warriors heading off to wage war for the honor and protection of Medina. King Myron believed the child was his even then and grieved the loss despite her not wanting anything to do with him after the fact.

Queen Cleila had not been pregnant since the encounter and still longed in secret for an encore performance despite knowing that it was Lycidas as a young lad who had managed to impregnate her all those years ago. Her relative jealousy seemed to intensify these last few years as Lycidas managed to bring another foreign body to Medina and marry her to the family after impregnating her with his child. The honor of being the woman to birth to the young warrior's firstborn son would have been an honor she claimed if her unborn child had survived. As a result, she grew to despise her unwitting younger lover almost as much as she had his faithless drunkard of a father.

The exhausted queen fell into a drunken haze of memories and heartache as even in her dreams she longed for the child they had conceived amid the rushing waters of the mud-cased stream.