

Aten_Deitine · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Manawell

Chapter 1


"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Daniel's alarm clock blared, the sound couldn't be more annoying, yet Daniel shot up from the bed with a smile on his face, and determination in his eyes. He spoke only two words, 

"Hell. Yeah." He said with a grin, anxiously awaiting the day to come. Daniel got up in his bed, and let himself enjoy a moment of peace before the storm he knew was coming. Today was the day Daniel would take the test to join the alliance, a group that defended citizens and launched attacks on those who might try to harm them. Today he would show them his power and fighting capabilities and the council would decide his worth. Alex lived in a small apartment, he was rather skilled, but he didn't have much of a background at all. He only entered the city a few months ago, before that there's no records of him. This made it difficult to get a high end job. This was his chance to change this. With something that sounded like a sigh but carried a hint of excitement, he got out of bed and got dressed, he didn't put much effort into his outfit as he knew he was changing into The Alliance outfit when he got there anyways,so he dressed for comfort with a tight shirt, a fluffy jacket, and some comfy pants. He stepped outside and let the morning breeze shuffle his hair. He called a taxi and waited until the one that was headed for him to trudge it's way through the massive onset of traffic. He stepped into the taxi, careful not to trip on the curb like last time.

"Where ya headed" the driver said with a harsh voice

"Alliance HQ" the driver started driving, glanced back at Daniel, and said

"So what's someone like you doin at The Allian-, Wait, nevermind, forgot about the entries today. So, whatcha goin by, and waddaya do."

"Heh, fair enough, my name is Beacon, light of hope, and the first spellcaster alive"

"Dramatic much" the driver half laughed, as Daniel looked down in embarrassment, he had practiced this introduction, and it had never crossed his mind that he could be too dramatic with his intro. He was looking out the window for a subject to change the topic, when they pulled up at the HQ. 

"Thank the Arch" he quickly muttered

"Hah, saved by the bell" the driver said a bit too loud for Daniel's liking, so Daniel quickly rushed inside to the colosseum to get away from the awkward situation at hand. 

Beacon walked inside the outer ring of the colosseum"Name, abilities, and talents please" the receptor stated more than asked

"Beacon, Spellcaster, and various forms of miscellaneous combat"

"Here's your ID card, enter the lockers to the east wing to get dressed, then proceed to the north assembly hall where you will receive instruction, If you got in by recommendation, please head to the south assembly instead"

"Thank you, have a good day" Beacon attempted, with no response from the gatekeeper. Daniel walked to the west wing, through the giant ring-like structure as instructed. He wanted to see the inside of the colosseum, yet he didn't want to risk accidentally misbehaving, so he stuck to the course provided. He got to the uniform retrieval room and put on the standard Alliance training uniform, a white base with a gray horizontal stripe at the arm level, a gold wrap below each tricep, a gray stripe with gold outlines going down each leg, and to top it all off, a red sash across the chest. Daniel stared in awe, unable to say a word. 

"What the hell ya waiting for, you gonna get ready or not" barked someone who he could only assume to be another applicant. She was heading towards the women's locker room with the uniform in her hands, which were, for one reason or another, covered in wraps and bandages.

"Yep, I'm just really excited to finally be here, I got to the cit-"

"Imma stop you right there, I don't care about your life story."

"Uh- ok, good luck!"

"I don't need it, but thanks, see you on the other side"

Daniel went to the men's locker room to get dressed and saw a two people who stood out to him, he saw a thin yet muscular man with gold eyes and brown hair who looked very confident in his abilities, and he saw a tall wiry person with silver eyes and black hair who looked *very* uncomfortable in the flashy event outfit of The Alliance. He got dressed in the new outfit, and sighed to himself, trying to calm down. His next action could change his entire life, everything he has been working up to could be shattered with one trip, right here. But he wasn't going to slip.

Daniel walked out into the gallery, where all the trainees would observe the colosseum. They had the second best seats in the house, only bested by the seats of The Council. They were the best of the best, the top 4 heroes of the alliance. Rankings were decided by 3 weighted factors, with the listed from most valuable to least; potential deaths prevented, amount of criminals captured, and lastly, a nationwide public vote. They would soon announce who would enter the colosseum first. When someone was selected they would first display their power, alias, and skills, then they would go through multiple mini competitions, a sparring match, an obstacle course, and various others. The council then votes whether or not to accept them, there are 4 council members so a tie vote is common, and in this case they will be put into the reserves to be tested later, and after everyone has been showcased, the contestants placed in the reserves will fight. Each one will be paired with another in the reserves and, typically, the winner is accepted and the loser is rejected.

The council still has ultimate control, so they can veto a win, or grant the win to the loser, if they wanted to. All Daniel wanted was not to be first, as he didn't think he could stand that pressure. They would be announcing the Trainees to showcase their powers first, any secon- "The first contestant will be Daniel Coatl" it's fine, daniel thought uncertainly, it's probably a different Daniel who just happens to also have a traditional forest tribe last name, Daniel Coatl was pretty common if you think abo- "Daniel Coatl, alias, Beacon"... Fuck.

All the trainees who Daniel had introduced himself to shot him a look of sympathy, and the confident one in the changing room, who he had learned was going by Midas, walked over to him with a smile on his face.

"God I'm excited for this, you're lucky you got first" Midas practically yelled

"..w h a t"

"I said-"

"No I heard you, just shocked, if I could I'd give you first, I'm… you know what? Yeah, I was lucky, I'm gonna go out there, and I'm gonna make sure they never forget Beacon, the light of hope."

"That's right! Get out there" Midas expressed while pushing Daniel into the lift that lead to the ground floor of the colosseum

"See you at admissions" Daniel whispered just loud enough for Midas to hear as the door closed, and Daniel lowered toward the moment that would change his uneventful life forever.