
Manaka Sajyou's Journey Through Time

Ending everything and restarting everything, comprehending the four laws, arriving at the outflow, and sitting on the throne of origin, this is the story of Sajyou Manaka becoming a true god who controls and covers the multiverse.

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 4: The Beginning of a Big Out of Control

"Damn it, damn it, that idiot must have lost his mind... How dare he make me waste so much effort."

    Kenneth, who had already arrived in this far east from London, cursed a few times in anger, checked again, and after confirming that there were no omissions in the ritual, he slowly stood up from the carved magic array.

The cause of this incident was that the relic that Kenneth El-Melloi Archipelago had carefully prepared was stolen by his student, that damn thief... Weber Velvet. This incident caused quite a stir in the Clock Tower at the time, forcing Kenneth to hastily replace the props for summoning servants, and then take the relic and his fiancée Sora Nazarai Sophia to the Far East - the city called Fuyuki.

    However, this incident was a great stimulation for Kenneth himself. You must know that Kenneth, who has been regarded as a child prodigy since he was a child, has never hit a wall, nor has he encountered what ordinary people call the limit. Kenneth, who has been watched by all sides, has never encountered such an unheard-of thing for him.

Since his youth, even without much effort, Kenneth can easily and perfectly solve all problems. Not only does he inherit the magic mark passed down from generation to generation in his family, he also has talents that ordinary people cannot reach, and he has a beautiful fiancée. He has always been envied and jealous by others. He can be said to be a winner in life. Just by existing, people know what a genius is.

    But because of this, if there are very rare, unacceptable, and almost ignored unexpected factors, he will be so annoyed.

"But fortunately, I got this in the end... Let's summon the strongest servant!"

    Kenneth narrowed his narrow eyes and put the relic in the center of the ceremony.

    At the same time, in the basement of the Tosaka mansion, Tosaka Tokiomi was also holding the same ceremony.

    "We won, Kirei, this battle is our victory..."

    Feeling the violent storm in front of him, Tosaka Tokiomi, who had used up most of his magic gems, did not show any distress at all, and said to the Kotomine father and son beside him in an excited tone.

At this time, Tosaka Tokiomi felt that he had stabilized this wave. Who else could defeat him? How could he lose with a flying dragon on his face?

    After seeing this scene, the father and son of Kotomine finally understood why Tokiomi was so confident.

    In the far north of Germany, in the snowy Einzbern City, Kiritsugu Emiya also began to check the magic circle on the floor in the chapel.

"Is this really okay?"

    "You may be disappointed, but summoning a servent is not a difficult thing. After all, it is just a séance ceremony."

    While explaining to Irisviel, Kiritsugu placed the scabbard in the center of the formation. Although the pattern drawn with mercury in the magician's eyes can only be described as simple

    "To summon a servent, it is not the magician's power, but the power of the Holy Grail. Aster only serves as a link to the Heroic Servant and provides him with enough magic power. That's all."

    "No, Kiritsugu, that's not what I'm worried about."

    Irisviel looked at her husband with some worry: "I'm worried about what you told me before, the compatibility between you and the Knight King."

    "Although the Knight King's personality is likely to be... no, it will definitely be very different from mine, but a Servant is just a tool after all. Besides, I still have the Command Seal. As long as I can pay more attention to the situation, I should be able to make good use of him." Kiritsugu Emiya held the cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath, suppressed all the negative emotions in his heart, and said slowly.

Regarding the selection of servants, if there are no good relics, people usually summon servants based on their compatibility. Although this is very dependent on luck, in fact, if the Lord of War is a servant summoned directly by a relic, it is easy for the two parties to have different ideas. On the contrary, if the Lord of War is not summoned by a relic, he is a murderer.

So don't be fooled by Kiritsugu's harsh words, even calling the Servants "tools", but in fact, the Servants have strong self-thoughts.

    Once there is a crack in the relationship, it will be difficult to mend it.

    And if the Servants are disobedient, or even rebel, who can lead them? The impact on the battle will become incomparably huge.

    Although the Lord of the Rings has the trump card of the Command Seals, let alone the problem of the Servants' resistance to magic, the Command Seals alone are limited, and in fact, this is not safe.

    Emiya Kiritsugu threw down the incense in his hand and slowly walked towards the altar in front of him.



    On that day in October 1995, in different places and countries, people sang to different people almost at the same time. This was a coincidence that could hardly be called accidental.

    Which magician participated in this magic ceremony, they all had their own long-cherished wish.

    In order to realize their wishes, to reach the source, to save the world, or to find the unknown.

    Surrounded by the great miracle, in order to finally hold the Holy Grail, the magicians summoned the Hall of Valor, located in the inner sea of ​​stars at the other end of time and space, and prepared to fight fiercely under the same starry sky.


    Weber, who had green hair, gritted his teeth and endured the constant pain from his internal organs and magic circuits. He knew that the most important moment had come. Although he felt the severe pain personally, he had no intention of retreating.

    He was passionate about power but not blindly, and he was determined to his goals without being biased. From these advantages, although he was still a little immature now, Weber Velvet's future was undoubtedly bright.

    "——I swear here."

    Feeling the pain that could make ordinary people scream from the magic seal passed down from generation to generation in the Emiya family, and the thunder that kept flashing in the chapel in front of him.

Emiya Kiritsugu concentrated on chanting the spell, and for a moment he even ignored Irisviel who was guarding beside him.

    "——Make your eyes chaotic, your mind

    Bleeding tears flowed from his only intact right eye, and the pressure on his body became stronger and stronger. Matō Kariya clenched his teeth, and the image of seeing Sakura in the insect warehouse appeared in his mind. Immersed in the abyss of endless pain, Matō Kariya made a voice that seemed to carry a curse: "Wait, Tosaka Tokiomi, you wait for me, this is all your fault ah ah ah..."



(End of this chapter)