
Manaka Sajyou's Journey Through Time

Ending everything and restarting everything, comprehending the four laws, arriving at the outflow, and sitting on the throne of origin, this is the story of Sajyou Manaka becoming a true god who controls and covers the multiverse.

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 20 Visitors from Chaldea

At this moment, everything around him seemed to be slowing down, the air became extremely thick, and time seemed to be frozen.

    Kiritsugu Emiya, who saw a reflection in his eyes, ignored his body that was still crying, and immediately reactivated his inherent time control.


    Accompanied by the piercing sonic boom, Kiritsugu Emiya, who had finally dodged the fatal blow, finally realized what had targeted him.

    It was ridiculous to say that the magician killer who had always used modern technology as a trump card to fight against the enemy would actually be almost killed by an unknown high-tech weapon one day.

"This is really..."

    Covered with glass fragments and blood and dirt, Kiritsugu Emiya, who had already entered a building, glanced at the attack from the window with a wry smile.

    "It seems that this area is no longer safe. Since the opponent can easily find and confirm my position, the safe house and supply point I specially arranged before cannot be trusted."

    All the equipment of Kiritsugu Emiya was burned in the attack just now. While talking to himself, he did not dare to stop for a moment and left the place———

    Kiritsugu Emiya prepared to meet up with his servants. Only in that way could he have the ability to counterattack.

"As expected of Kiritsugu, who is known as the magician killer in the original novel, he can't even be killed by this explosion. His life is really tough!"

    Chu Mulooked at the screen on the computer where Kiritsugu Emiya was dodging continuously and complained with a twitching mouth.

"Forget it, let's let Eve come back first!" Elena frowned slightly and said, "I think Nightmare Space will never give us a chance to exploit loopholes."

    Jingyuan nodded and said bluntly, "I also think that the method of killing the servant by killing Aster is not very reliable. I estimate that even if it is done, there is a high possibility that no reward points will be credited."

    "Then it seems that we can only use the method you mentioned before, Captain?"

    At this point, Chu Mu's expression seemed a little complicated for some reason.

    Steve, wearing a cloak, nodded without being able to see his expression clearly.



    The rainbow light of the God of War Sword pierced the sky, and the afterglow of magic illuminated the entire dark sky.

    The earth-shattering momentum lifted everything up, destroyed all tangible objects, and the air became silent and the wind stopped flowing!

    After a while, a scene like the end of the world appeared in front of me.

    Everything within a few kilometers turned to ashes, even the ground was not spared.

"Huh... Hahaha, it was so close! Really, I was just that close to death!"

    Iskander, who had just decisively used his Noble Phantasm to fly into the sky, looked at the miserable scene below the wheels of the Divine Power, took a breath of fear, and then laughed his signature hearty laugh.

    "What... What do you mean I almost died! I'm really going to die!"

    Accompanied by Iskander's words, Weber, who was almost scared to death by the attack just now, finally came to his senses, and kept hitting the Conqueror's chest with his hands with tears streaming down his face.

The scorching air was burning the earth and the air, but the culprit who caused all this seemed to be indifferent, looking at the city in the distance with lights still flickering.

    At this time, everyone slowly came back to their senses.

    Ruler Jeanne and Lancer Karna had just used their holy flags and armors, and Saber Siegfried also relied on the blood armor of the evil dragon and the holy sword in his hand to resist the attack.

"The weapon of the wandering star... Titan, no, I should call you Attila now!

    Gilgamesh did not even look at the priceless defensive treasures that were on the verge of being destroyed, but instead fixed his eyes on the servant in the form of a girl.

    The emperor who built the great empire, Attila the Hun (attithehun).

    He was a descendant of the Huns, a Hun warrior and king. A great hero of the fifth century.

    The vast territory he established stretched from West Asia to* *, Eastern Europe and Gaul, and it is also said that it was he who caused the destruction of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.

    Her true identity is the white giant god who brought great harm to the earth's civilization 14,000 years ago.

    She destroyed everything she passed by, fought against the gods who protected mankind, and almost always won.

    The giant god Attila physically destroyed civilization with force. He began to invade from the north of the super continent. At the end of the journey, he moved to the Tashi Plateau and finally died.


Without any response, Attila obviously didn't care about Gilgamesh's words.

    "The King of the Huns...God's Whip...Attila!"

    Looking at the indifferent expression of the young servant, thinking of the knowledge and information given by the Holy Grail, Karna frowned slightly, and rarely felt a little tricky.

    "...destruction, civilization, resistance and obstacles...all destroyed."

    Like a machine without emotion, with an extremely empty tone, Attila pointed the Hall of the God of War to everyone.

"Tsk... King's key!"

    Gilgamesh did not show any arrogance at this moment. The golden ripples on his side continued to spread, accompanied by a wave of ripples, and hundreds of treasures shining with dazzling light were thrown towards Attila's figure.


    [Anti-summoning system———activation]

    [Space-time anchor point positioning—October 1995? ? Day, Fuyuki City]

    [Preparing for soul transfer, please do not move————]

    [Locus transfer begins————5, 4, 3, 2, 1 left————]

    [All projects completed————]

    [Locus transfer]

    In a corner of Fuyuki City, an extremely dazzling electric light suddenly lit up. After a twist in space, two figures appeared at the same time.

    They were two girls, one of whom was a pink-haired girl wearing blue-purple armor holding a cross-shaped shield, and the other was an orange-haired girl wearing a white shirt-like top and a black skirt.

    "OK, safe landing!"

    A brisk voice came from the pink-haired girl in the air. Looking at the city in the distance from the exit of the alley, she adjusted her mood, and then quickly and skillfully turned on a communication device on her wrist.

"This is the Chaldea A-Team executor, Mashu Kyrielight and Fujimaru Ritsuka, who have now arrived at the designated special point!"

    "Thank you for your hard work."

    "No, it's nothing---Ah, alas! Senior, please don't do this, let me go!"

    It turned out that Gudako had secretly extended his claws to Mashu's secret parts, causing Mashu to let out a cry of grief that seemed extremely cute.



(End of this chapter)