

DoritoBorito · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Blue Flames VS Green Flames

They both got warmed up and ready to use their powers, "Good luck" Aleksander would tell Alvern before they started their spar, Alvern responded by saying "Thanks, you too"

without hesitation, Aleksander raises his hands and sends a wave of blue flames toward Alvern. The blue flames shoot forward like a tidal wave.

Alvern would focus and stay calm, he would create a barrier made of his green flames to absorb the heat from Aleksander's attacks

Aleksander would see his attacks being absorbed by the barrier of green flames made by Alvern and would try to change his approach and focus his power on a beam of blue flames.

he would attempt to use it to go through the barrier of green flames made by Alvern, meanwhile, Alvern would use the flames to give himself more energy and to heal himself, 

when the blue flame beam came towards him, he would counter by dodging it and then creating tendrils of green flames to latch onto to drain Aleksander's energy while on him

Aleksander dodged the Tendrils, leaped into the air, and created big circles of blue flames to trap Alvern

Alvern would use his healing abilities to go through the circles of flames unharmed, and right after he would use his soul manipulation abilities to create an illusion of himself, he surrounded Aleksander with multiple clones of himself

to Alvern's disappointment, it wasn't long until Aleksander found the real Alvern quickly by sensing the heat of his true flames, after spotting the real Alvern, he shot a barrage of fireballs at him.

Alvern would counter Aleksander's Barrage of flames by Creating a vortex that would absorb the flames Aleksander had shot at him and he would create a wave of green flames mixing his healing powers and his destructive capabilities.

Aleksander would sense the power of the green flames, he would focus all his energy into an intense shield made of fire, to protect him and also repel attacks away.

Alvern realized he had to change his tactics after seeing the shield Aleksander had made, he would think of the idea of attacking his soul directly with his soul manipulation abilities, attempting to weaken his control over his blue flames.

Aleksander felt the tug on his soul and channeled his inner strength and determination. Aleksander ignited his flames to their maximum intensity, and he created a blinding, scorching light, that would disrupt the soul manipulation plan of Alvern.

the light blinded and disoriented Alvern Momentarily, Alvern tried to heal himself and regain control but Aleksander would stop him from trying.

Seeing that Alvern was blinded, Aleksander started shooting multiple fire Whips at him, Alvern would, at the last second regain control and counter the fire whips with a stream of his flames, meeting each hit with precise control.

the arena becomes a battleground of green and blue flames, lighting up the whole arena in a spectacular display of power, everyone would be looking in awe at what they were seeing from Alvern and Aleksander.

Aleksander realized his attacks were not doing anything to Alvern since he was countering them the whole time, so he started using his agility instead, he started leaping from boulder to boulder from what was left from the fight between Shinji and Atrius, Aleksander would be creating an after image with his speed, making it difficult for Alvern to hit a fire blast on him.

Alvern would respond by spreading his flames across the training arena, creating a web of fire, trapping Aleksander, and stopping him from moving anymore. Alvern would start channeling his soul manipulation again, creating a dome of fire to contain Aleksander.

Trapped in the dome, Aleksander focused all his remaining energy on a single intense burst of his blue flames, Aleksander unleashed the burst in all directions, shattering the dome and forcing the people spectating the fight to find somewhere safe so they wouldn't be hit by the attack.

The shockwaves the attack made disrupted Alvern's control, causing him to stagger. Aleksander, not wasting time anymore, charges forward with his fist engulfed with his blue fire aiming for a clean shot to defeat Alvern once and for all.

Aleksander punch would break all of Alvern's defenses, the blue flames burning brighter than ever before. After the punch hit Alvern, Alvern was sent flying to nearby trees, the trees would break from how fast Alvern was knocked back.

After all that fighting, Aleksander was declared the winner, After defeating Alvern, Aleksander fell unconscious after all his energy was taken from the fighting, and Adriana rushed to help Aleksander.

Hoku and Valda(the teacher of Squad 1) would leave the room they were "relaxing" in and saw what a mess they had made in the training "What the hell did you guys do here?..." Hoku would say shocked "Just some sparring" Aspen would say trying to stay calm.