
Mana Online: Rise of the Strongest Vampire

When an accident completely changes Ryan's life, he attempts to take back control by playing the new and popular game 'Mana Online'. However, things do not go as planned when he stumbles into a strange legacy and a new hidden class. Rather than a blessing, this legacy was simply a curse and when Ryan logged out of the game, he realized that this curse had followed him into his reality! What was happening? Just what kind of game was 'Mana Online'? More importantly, what was he going to do about his brain which could now think of only one thing, blood? Would he be able to overcome the curse and claim his legacy or would he end up being consumed by the same curse in the process?

Shameless_Neet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Seeing his friend who was still laughing his ass off, Ryan let out a helpless sigh. "Mark…"

Mark, catching the tone, gradually subdued his laughter, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes as he turned to look at Ryan.

"Sorry, man," Mark finally said, still chuckling softly. "It's just… It's been a while since I've had this much fun. You know, with everything going on…"

His expression then grew serious, the gravity of their predicament settling back upon his shoulders. "Right. Let's go and get this rare. The others will come back soon to attempt again. We need to get this before then."

Just as he stood up to walk to the majestic beast, Ryan grabbed his hand to stop him. "Wait. If you helped me kill it, then would it still count for the curse?"

"Ah.." Mark paused as he too hadn't thought about something so crucial.

Ryan quickly pulled up his status screen to double-check.


Name: Ryan Holland

Race: Undead

Gender: Male

Level: 11

Title: Cursed God's Descendent

Legacy: Cursed God's Legacy (Incomplete)

Class: Mindless Bloodsucker (Can be upgraded)

Health: 50/50

Mana: N/A


Stamina: N/A

Vitality: N/A

Strength: 27

Defense: 16

Agility: 27

Wisdom: 10

Intellect: 5


Unique Skills:

Blood Lust: (Class Specific Passive Skill) Your bloodlust is randomly triggered; when the skill is active, you lose your consciousness and act on pure instinct; Memories might be lost forever; Every time the skill is triggered, your body degrades, and your brain corrodes; Skill cannot be triggered if hunger is completely satiated; Cool Down: None.

Curse of the Abyss: (Legacy Specific Passive Skill) The first of the ten curses of the Cursed God; When the curse activates, you permanently lose your mind and become a rabid animal; The curse will be nullified when you drink the blood of three common rank beasts, three elite rank beasts, three rare rank beasts and one chieftain rank beast; Cool Down: 10 days (1/10).


Active Skills:

[Blood Swipe - Lv1], [Claw - Lv5], [Sprint - Lv1], [Kick - Lv2], [Punch - Lv2]

Passive Skills:

[Heightened Hearing], [Heightened Smell] and [Heightened Sight]


"Alright. I checked it thoroughly. The curse only requires me to drink the blood. I don't actually have to kill the thing even."

"Awesome! A loophole!" Mark grinned. "Alright then. Watch me solo this fucker. Well, you should still get a hit in so that you get some experience points."

Ryan nodded. He watched his friend crack his neck, stretch his hands, and then begin casting.

Mark was a mage and it seemed like he was a decent one at that considering how he had already learned a [Fear] skill. Ryan had looked up other classes when he was researching and knew a bit about the main classes by now. 

If he was not wrong, then his friend should be starting this fight with a pyro blast which was a big-ass fire element skill that essentially was a big ball of fire. 

It required quite a bit of setup time but once it was executed, it could decimate a good chunk of the beast's health if it hit squarely. True to his prediction, Mark's hands began to glow with an intense, fiery light, the air around them heating up as he channeled his mana into the spell.

The anticipation built as Mark raised his hands, directing the spell towards the unsuspecting beast. With a loud incantation, he unleashed the pyroblast, a massive ball of fire that hurtled through the air with a trail of sparks and smoke. 

The beast caught off guard, let out a roar of surprise and pain as the fireball struck, engulfing it in flames. A big chunk of its health dropped immediately. The beast staggered from the sudden intense assault. Mark did not let the chance go by and immediately started casting more spells.

He unleashed frost bolts aimed at its feat weakening its movement and topped it with lightning snakes to deplete more of its health. By the time the beast had a chance to stabilize he had already taken 50% of its health.

Even though it was a rare rank beast, there were twenty levels of difference between Mark and the wolf which made all of his attacks land with devastating precision. 

The beast, now realizing the true threat in front of it, let out a bellowing roar, a signal that it was ready to fight back with all its might. Its eyes, glowing a fierce red, locked onto Mark, recognizing him as the primary aggressor.

But Mark, experienced and calm under pressure, simply adjusted his stance, ready for the beast's retaliation. He glanced quickly at Ryan, a silent message of reassurance, before turning his full attention back to the creature.

The wolf, enraged, launched a flurry of attacks, its movements suddenly becoming faster and more unpredictable. 

For a second Ryan held his breath as he had to try very hard to keep up with the wolf's movements which were close to becoming almost a blur. Would a mage really be able to deal with attacks of this caliber?