
Chapter 39: Never doubt her loyalty

{So what must I do now? }

[I will merge our consciousness.]

Loona answered his query right away.


In response to his telepathic yell, Loona lightly chuckled, she began caressing his face and then said.

[I'm going to transiently merge our consciousness together to safeguard your mind from other mental assaults. This way, My King, when anyone attempts to read your mind, I'll know about that right away and I'll be capable of stopping it right away.]

[However, it will be like having me in your mind at all times. If you can adapt to that, I can help you in a variety of manners beyond simply protecting you from mental attacks, such as aiding you in battles although not physically present around you.]

[We can share our senses, see and hear what the other sees and hears. It will be like one body with two souls.]

She finished her explanation with a wink.

'Woah! that's cool and creepy all at the same time,' he thought to himself.

{Is there any disadvantage to this?}