
Man with Sword on Back

【Genius Swordsman】【Passionate】【Decisive in killing】 His sister worked to death and his mother was seriously ill while his gambling uncle set his sights on his sister's ransom money. Lee had to kill the man with a knife. Soon after, he met an old man named Sam. Eight years later, the young man became a swordsman. On his back it was not a scabbard, but a coffin for swords, the coffin for burying swords! From then on, he with lofty ambitions stepped into the bloody world of cultivation!

DaisyForReal · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: First kill, break away from mortals (1/2)

Quentin Lee hung his head, his body trembling slightly as he stood there, his hand clutching a handful of herbs.

Yet the man still saw his exposed eyes.

The man's face fell, then he slapped Quentin to the ground. "Smack!"

Daxton's anger grew after he saw the scattered herbs. "How many times have I told you to cover your eyes?" he roared, and continued to kick Quentin viciously. "You worthless thing!"

"Did you spend the money on these herbs?" He yelled.

This was likely a scene that the young boy had endured lot of times. He wrapped his arms around his head, curling his body up tightly.

Ever since they fled from famine and sought refuge with this distant uncle three years ago, their days had turned into a living hell.

The boy, lying prone, desperately protected the scattered herbs beneath him.

Wendy stumbled over from the bed upon hearing the commotion. She pushed the man away, yelling, "Stop! Don't hit my child!"

Seeing this, the man grabbed a wooden plank beside him and struck the woman on the head.


"You sickly wench! Why waste money on your treatment? You should just die!"

"If I'd known, I would've sent you to the Great House just like your daughter. Even your death could've earned some compensation!"

Blood trickled down Wendy's forehead, yet she still shielded the boy, pleading continuously, "Don't hit him."

Quentin suddenly felt a warm, sticky sensation on his face.

Realizing what it was, his face twisted with rage.

He struggled out of Wendy's embrace and, relying on his memory, grabbed a kitchen chopper from the chopping board.

"Shut up! If it weren't for your drunken gambling, my family wouldn't be like this! My mom wouldn't have been sick for so long, my sister wouldn't have been sold and worked to death!"

"You should die instead of us! It's you!"

Quentin's face contorted with anger as he screamed at the man, letting out the fury that had been suppressed in his heart.

Years of repressed anger found an outlet at this moment.

The man, reeking of alcohol, watched Quentin with a menacing look, and cursed.

"If it weren't me offering food to you, you'd have starved to death outside the city long ago. And now you dare to threaten me with a chopper?"

Daxton Lee looked around for a handy weapon.

The boy's ears moved slightly, then he launched himself at the man, using all his strength.

The kitchen chopper glinted coldly in the moonlight. In his panic, the man grabbed a clay pot and swung it at Quentin.

Quentin Lee was agile in movement and has a keen sense of hearing. Noticing the noise from Daxton lifting the heavy object, he barely dodged it.


With a clatter, the pot shattered at Quentin Lee's feet, accompanied by the metallic clang of coins hitting the ground, freezing the small boy in place!

Because he understood what that sound meant!

The glint of the copper coins under the moonlight was blinding.

"Hah! Ten strings of coins!" A voice of surprise suddenly echoed from the man. "Go turn the tide this time! I'll win everything back!"

Standing in place, Quentin Lee couldn't stop trembling all over.

For a moment, images flashed through his mind like a replay.

He had never got a full meal since he could remember, not knowing who his father was because he had never seen him.

People said that he must have died in the famine long ago.

Three years ago, after seeking refuge with this distant cousin, the real nightmare began.

Daxton Lee came to the house for money very often, either to buy alcohol to get drunk or to stay at the gambling house for days on end.

Now he was doing it again!

Not knowing from where he learned the news of his sister's death, he set his sights on the compensation!

Sometimes Quentin Lee would daydream, imagining how good it would be if he were a flying immortal, free from the suffering of the mortal world.

Turning around, Quentin still heard the man's curses. "She's already dead! Why bother with the cremation!"

Quentin slowly raised the chopper!

A trace of unwillingness flashed through Wendy's eyes, but she did not speak out to stop him.

She was so disappointed with the man, and knew that her life was coming to an end.

She didn't want her child to be sold to repay debts after her death.

"Perhaps, it's for the best."


The sharp chopper pierced the neck. The only thing that Quentin felt was a warm spray on his face.

Lying in a pool of blood, Daxton was still filled with disbelief.