
Chapter 1

Once upon a time there live a man named James in a village. He loved a girl name Ganga. Ganga belong to poor and small cast family but James belong to rich and higher caste family. They love each other so much . They tried to do marriage. But James family don't g

allow to marry, so they plan to ran away from village. Finally one day James and ganga went city after marring in temple. After few week Ganga became pregnant . They are living in rent in a city.their money is completed so James went for searching jobs finally he meet a man name Ramesh who used to work in head of construction. So James beg a job with Ramesh . finally they start to work together.ramesh also start to make James his partner.after some month Ramesh 3 month son is also dead because of disease. James and Ramesh start to work as partner and they together make many houses, school. After one year James wife give birth to one baby. After five days of giving birth James wife Ganga get dead because of black tv and Ramesh wife give breast feed to James son. She take care him as her own baby. When James son is of four and half month James dead because of civil war. After that Ramesh look after that James son. Ramesh and his wife took that baby in their village. They told that is their own baby to villeger and their parents. When Ramesh son is five month Ramesh wife also get dead because of the cancer. now again Ramesh and his parents look after that baby when the baby became 1.5 years Ramesh ran to city leaving that James baby, marrying to other lady. Ramesh parents are too good guy . They don't know that , that baby was not their grandson. So they look after him carefully. They love him so much. The baby goes on increasing day by day.the baby was so cute so all villeger and his uncle also love him so much. He had become the heart of all people. When baby was five years his grandpa did his school admission in public school.the name of the baby was azriel.he read in public schools for two years.when he was in three class, Ramesh came from city by giving divorce to second wife.after coming village he did the admission of Azriel in private boarding school in grade UKG.Azriel start to go to school regularly.after ten month of his school his father marry third wife after twenty day of marriage Ramesh get untimely dead because of both kidney fail.now the sorrow of Azriel start.Though Ramesh was dead his father send Azriel in boarding school by working so hard.from class one Azriel start to cook food and give to his grandparents and family.in Azriel wants to watch tv but there was not tv, electricity in his house, he used to read In lamp at night when there is kerosene some time kerosene used to finished so Azriel used to read by burning maize.he is hardworking and talent too.his days are pasting by wake up in morning,cut grass for cow ,give feed to pig, cook food ,eat,go school,come back to home ,cut grass,give feed to pig ,cook food read night and slept,and repeat next day.from class four the bondage of Azriel became less because his uncle get married.afyer the marriage of his une Azriel had not to cook food and but he used to cut grass.he studied hard he used to be in top three.when he reach in class