
Man to a new path

what if Issei changed after "episode 8 High School DxD hero" instead of Issei confessing his feelings to this haram girl what if issei left the club after not telling rias that i love you stuff and decided not to come home and a certain man tells him the truth about his reincarnatch? Will he take a dark path or a new path?

coolgamerkid05 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 2

*2 days later*

We see Issei walking through the Athens area and stopping at a cafe because he wants to eat something since the hotel he is staying at does not have free breakfast. So he decided to look for a coffee and he did. The cafe was called "Café Bar 67". Once he entered the cafe, he found a table and sat at it. The waiter approached their table and asked.

"Hello sir, what do you want to order" from a waiter

"Coffee and an English egg muffin, please," Issei said, handing the menu back to the waiter.

"Come on, sir," said a waiter and left Issei's table.

So, during the time Issei waits for his food, he calls one of his members to see if the mission to find his person is still in Greece. He picks up his phone to call one of the members.

"Hello, the host of the True Cross is still here" Issei said, speaking to one of the members of his group.

"Yes, Ise, the host is visiting the country," said a purple-haired girl.

"Good job, Ingvild follows the host, so we can know where they are staying" Issei said to the well-known girl named Ingvild.

"Okay,ise," Ingvild said to his master.

And so Issei finished his call to ingvild. When he hung up the phone, the waiter arrived with his food and drink. Once this is done, put the food on the table. Issei decided to eat the food and drink his coffee, and once he was done with his food and drink. He asked the waiter for the bill so he could pay for the food and drink he brought. After that, Issei left the cafe and decided to take a walk around Greece since he was only here for a week.

*Change of scene*

Back in the underworld, he sees Sirzech walk towards the hallways of the building where everyone gathers once a month to see updates on what's going on with the red assassin and the Chaos Brigade, as those two are the biggest threat. for the peace they build. Unless there is any update on Issei Hyoudou's whereabouts, since we are the key to this faction they built. Once he was close, he saw 2 guards near the door.

"Hello sir, everyone was waiting for you," said the first guards.

"Okay then" Sirzechs said.

Both guards open the door for Sirzechs to arrive at the meeting. In the meeting room, Sirzech saw all the representatives of the dxd team. In the angel was a man with long blonde hair with green eyes and twelve wings. He was the first angel, the god of the Bible, and his name was Michael. He came out of retirement after Dulio's "death." On the fallen angel's side, Sirzechs saw a handsome man in his twenties, with silver-white hair and purple eyes. His outfit consists of a purple beret, a purple trench coat over a black vest, white pants, and black boots. His name is Shemhazai, the current leader of Grigori. With the Nordic faction, we see a tall, handsome man who appears to be from Northern Europe and is in his early twenties. He has golden white hair, golden eyes, and a beard. He wears a tight white suit. His name is Vidar, one of Odin's sons. with a Greek faction, we see it too. a man who has curly black hair and strange orange eyes. He wears a chiton, a tunic-like garment worn by both men and women in ancient Greece and Rome. His name is Apollo, the son of Zeus. On the Hindu side, we see a handsome young man; a high school student with normal features, a well-structured face, and shiny blue-black hair. He has sharp eyes that possess bottomless divinity and boundless superiority that make people tremble in fear. His name is Shiva, the god of destruction in Hindu mythology. He is part of the top 10 of the strongest beings in the world. The final representative of the dxd team is Youkai Faction. We see young women with voluptuous figures and very long blonde hair with matching eyes. She is a woman with delicate facial features, and her eyebrows are very short and round as a traditional symbol of nobility. Her hair is usually pulled back into a loose ponytail, reaching down to her legs and ending in a spiral, with taut bandages to keep it in place. She usually wears a traditional shrine maiden outfit, and on top of that, she wore a white robe closed with a red ribbon and a golden crown. Her name is Yasaka, one of Issei Hyoudou's lovers. When she found out about Issei's disappearance 5 years ago, she wanted to find him, but currently, she doesn't know where he is.

"Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to see you all here today," Sirzechs said.

"Yes, we know that," they all said.

"Alright, we'll skip the small talk and talk about the real business."

Sirzech said.

Everyone in the room listened to Sirzech, and he now explained the reports he received in the file.

"So, in the recent report I received from the small youkai team, I found that the red assassin has one of the sacred swords that were used at the Round Table," Sirzechs said.

Everyone in the meeting sped up and heard from Sirzech that the mention of the red assassin has one one of the holy swords that were used in Round Table. Everyone was worried since if the red hunter accessed the full potential of the sword, he could kill a whole army of devils.

"So, any other reports?" said Apollo, one of the Representatives of greek faction

"Yes"said sirzech

"Explained then" said Apollo

"The other report I have it the both the hero faction and Alliance of hell both decided to join us since both Afraid of the red hunter "said sirzech

"OH really" said Shiva, the god of destruction

"Yes surprising"said sirzech

"there must be a motive for them to join" said Vidar one representatives

"Yes actually " said Sirzech

"Explain" said vidar

"For exchange, they want us to Protect them against Khaos Brigade since they know,they will send red assassin to kill them" said sirzechs

"What?" said everyone

"Yeah, really, and honestly, I will accept this request since we need more allies in this since the Red Assassin and Khaos Brigade are a big threat to us and our peace" said sirzechs

The room went quiet and a few minutes later the whole Representatives set in Favor to let both hero faction and Alliance of Hell to join them but will Restriction since you know that hades hates devils and fallen angel's and cao cao having True Longinus.

* Scene change*

*sitri territories*

We see young woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes. Her name is sona sitri the reason we see her it because she was talk to one her peerage members.

"So you have issei location" said sona

In the other end of the call, we see a man with short blond hair and grey eyes. His name is Saji one of the best friends of issei hyoudou

"Yes he current in Greece me and Kiba found him, he must doing a mission or something since he is here look for something" said Saji

"Alright continue doing your work saji" said sona

"Yes Ma'am" said saji

Sona end the call with saji and after she did, she was happy knowing issei is alive since he left those 5 years ago she was Suspicious about issei was missing and she decided to find him with her peerage and Kiba and gasper.

"I am sorry rias, I love issei in heart and knowing you couldn't wait for him and being with someone else and having his kid, it my turn to have that love" said sona

* Scene change*

                           The end

(N/A I hope you chapter 2

(N/A 2 sona In the harem....)

N/A 3 Any questions or comments write done here or dm here

coolgamerkid05creators' thoughts