
4 years and flipping a Jet.

It has been hectic for both David and Mary with two children one cries but the other is a literal boom box.

Clark was breathing heavily and ragged changing the atmospheric pressure of the room and thank god they kept him in another room or Melissa would have been blown away. All Might was sweating profusely by looking at the catastrophe and being updated regularly while he was in japan. A baby making window crack with his crying? well present mic did the same when he was born he himself said in the news, but seeing is believing.

There were sleepless nights for every parents as usual but for the shields it was worse, David had to reinforce a particular room with Adamantium from his own pocket money making it bleed but it will be salvaged later than he knew. Mary well was having a blast close to going crazy as the baby flies whenever she tries to put on a diaper with shit falling on the floor.

But as they are a good hearted people and endured this 4 years of hell. They were concerned if the baby could adapt in the earths environment but the baby is a fighter, it will be painful for the shields if something happens to him as now they think Clark as their own son. David did quiet the research on the ship and Clarks condition and it seemed the little alien is indeed not from this planet.

!!!! With Alphonose!!!!

Wow! just Wow! I am now Clark Shield and All Might my God Father, the hell with this set up! I should have been on kent farm but wait do they even exist?. Well now I can only wait in my baby crib. I clench my tiny fist yup! I am drinking solar radiation after all so as my cells, haa! why do I even cry? is it an unconscious response to show my needs?. Well even though I am superman I will not stop my venture to search for amazing technology nothing can stop me.

But before he did that POOOP! his diaper has gone through a disaster again!. He cried out getting already bested in battle.

!!!!! Four years and now with a quirk doctor!!!!

Doctor: Your daughter is quirkless Mr. Shield, but you son seems to have awakened naturally as you mentioned it as strength quirk or telekinesis , so will you register here in the hospital? and do some tests..

David: Umm! maybe later as we do not know what it is yet! HAHA!.

David knew if he said his son had multiple quirks he would be fucked up, they will know something is amiss and start to investigate him which he painstakingly tried to hide. Seriously what is with this strength and speed also flight?, what type of quirk does that?.


David was working in his lab working on the superconductor and flight module of a car and a jet, the car's engine malfunctioned and he fell over and his glasses fell over the mini Quinn jet for one person. He tried to get his glasses down there, seriously why is adamantium hard to deal with for a superconductor it is good but molding haa!.

Clark: Papa you need help! I can pick the jet for you!.

David: It's all right Clark I got this, ahhhh! come on!.

Before he could reach it Clark flipped the jet and it went faraway on the other side of lab and did a crash!.

Clark: Oops! it looks like I used too much strength!.

At that moment David had his Jaw drop to the floor. He was trying his best not to lose his mind!, in the future he is sure his son could contend with all might which sends shiver up his spine.

Clark: Daddy are you allright.

David: I am okay Clark, just surprised! that's all.

Clark gives a smile and picks the glasses and gives it to David. David takes it and a small smile makes on his face. Even though mutants no quirk users use one ability different ways, his son maybe called a freak amongst them. But if one day he wants to become a her even with all this rejection David will make sure to give his son his all.

At the corner SAM was having an existential crisis with Melissa behind him.

Melissa: Wow! Clark! you awakened your quirk early at three, show me! show me! lets play by throwing rocks in sky.

David: Now Now lets calm down we can use quirks in I-Island but you will get hurt, so be careful Melissa, Clark do not use quirk on each other if you awaken fully.

Melissa: Pout! okey!.

Clark: Yes papa!.

!!!!! Back at hospital!!!!!

Clark: Don't worry Melissa you can be like papa and Ironman, see how he flies to save people all around the world!.

Melissa cheers up from gloomy expression and light shone in her eyes.

Melissa: Yes!! I can built an suit myself to help people so I can help papa in his inventions and help people!. Will you help me papa!.

David: Yes off course Melissa!, you will have all the tools you need!. What about you Clark what do you want to do.

Clark: Umm! space adventure and mecha suits!.

David: Umm! okay weird but what I am asking being a HERO.

Clark: Like uncle Pikachu.

David: Uncle All Might not Pikachu, seriously where did you get that nickname.

Clark: In my dreams, maybe I will be a hero later.

David: You can't do both but if you can you will be a genius!.

Clark: I will be a genius!.

David: That's the spirit! let's go!.

David picks up Melissa and thanks the I-Islands doctor and sets his eyes to the uncertain future. He was approached by Director of Shield with a hidden project Tesseract, he was not sure what that blue cube will bring to humanity. Limitless energy is of concern as the Arc reactor of Howard stark is not viable and the director seems to be bent on getting his hands on the suit of Tony Stark. Haa! now as he cannot have it he has set his eye on that cube he will stop at nothing to have what he wants, also something feels eerie around the cube it was as if someone watching him though Dr. Selvig provides good company also payment is astromical for him.

[Kal-El: So it has begun huh! I need to make sure everything is set to stone].