
Man of My Heart

USA Today best-selling and award-winning author Desiree Holt writes everything from romantic suspense and paranormal to erotic. and has been referred to by USA Today as the Nora Roberts of erotic romance, and is a winner of the EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion and a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice nominee. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The (London) Daily Mail, The New Delhi Times and numerous other national and international publications. Man of My Heart Jasmine Grey is an up and coming country rock star, just completing a successful tour opening for a top country rock group. If only her bass player, Cobra, would leave her alone. Enter Caleb Branam, former Delta Force now an agent for The Omega Team but recovering from a hostage rescue gone wrong. As the days go by the attraction between them grows more and more intense. When she returns to the road and Cobra begins his campaign of harassment, it will be up to Caleb to stop it for good and for both of them to realize what they feel for each other is the real deal. But will they be able to? For Kari Loftin life was all about control, in every aspect of it. But she realized that at forty two she had managed to shut out every form of pleasure b y keeping a tight rein on herself. With her beloved Cubs on a winning streak, she tossed away her control for one night and ventured into the world of Petey’s Sports Bar. Little did she expect to meet a hot young stud like Riley Tucker, who showed her a side of herself she’d never dared to explore. One night together and Riley wanted more. Much more. Could Kari get past the age difference—something that didn’t seem to bother Riley at all?

Desiree Holt · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 9

He realized he'd had no idea what he was getting himself into. When she'd climbed up on the stool next to him a bolt of pleasure had speared through his body, hardening his cock until he could drive nails with it. Tired of the games the women his age always played, tired of always feeling like an actor on a stage, the minute he'd looked into Kari's eyes he felt a sense of rightness. Of being connected.

Now, in a compressed amount of time, he was becoming addicted to this woman. He wanted to fuck her every way possible. To introduce her to his sexual lifestyle, the games he liked to play. The things he liked to do. He just knew she'd be a wild woman, giving as much as she took, The kind of woman he'd been searching for.

But he also knew it would take more than one night to accomplish all that. He'd have to take it slow, bring up one level at a time. She needed time to learn to trust him. Her entire attitude shouted "one night only" so he'd have to find a way around that. Because he had the feeling tonight was just a beginning, not an end. Or a means to an end.

He teased at her clit as his mouth moved over hers, his tongue tracing the outline, his teeth nipping at the soft flesh. When he lightly pinched her clit and she opened her mouth on a soft moan, he slipped his tongue inside and fucked her wet, delicious mouth. He moved one leg over hers and eased it towards him, opening her wide again, giving him better access to that astoundingly appealing pussy.

As his tongue licked at every inner surface of her mouth, his fingers played with her clit, rubbing it, flicking at it, his nail riding the tip of it. When he slid one finger lower he found her wet again, her liquid spilling from her. When he lifted his head the scent of her arousal filled his nostrils.

"Cup your breasts for me," he murmured in a husky voice. "Go on. Don't be embarrassed. I want to see you touch them."

Blushing furiously, she curbed her palms to hold her breasts, the skin tingling. He wondered if she did this when she was alone? Did she watch herself in front of a mirror, massing the rounded globes, plucking at the deep rose nipples? His eyes flicked to the mirror over the dresser on the far wall. Before tonight was over he'd be fucking her in front of it, watching ever expression on her face as he played with her body and impaled her on his cock.

"Now pinch your nipples," he told her. "Roll them in your fingers. Make them swell. Yes. Like that." She moaned and tossed her head back and forth. "You want to come, darlin'?" He heard the lust in his voice.

"Yes. Oh, god, yes."

"All right. But I'm going to watch you. I want to see that tight little cunt when you come, Spread your legs wide for me. As wide as you can."

When she did he shifted his eyes to the pouty lips of her vagina. He used the fingers of one hand to hold the lips wide open while the other continued to strum her clit mercilessly. Her breathing quickened and her hips began to jerk.

"Keep pinching those nipples," he told her.

Riley watched the taut buds harden even more, blood rushing to his cock as carnal images of her bringing herself to orgasm flashed through his mind. He spread the lips of her cunt even more as he continued to strum her clit, seeing the juices flowing from her wet channel, the slick flesh clutching at empty air. He ground his teeth to keep his own spasms at bay, mesmerized by the sight of her pussy grasping and clenching. Her hips jerked and twisted as she thrust up at him again and again. She was close. So close.

The more he watched, the harder he got. The more his balls ached. The more he wanted to feel his cock buried in her so deep he wouldn't be able to tell there was any separation. He wanted that snug little cunt milking him for all it was worth. Wanted those spasms he was seeing gripping his shaft.

He moved his hand from her clit to wrap it around his erection. Glancing down he saw the to-p wet with precum, felt the vein at the underside pulsing as blood engorged him.

"Riley!" she screamed as her orgasm grabbed her.

She arched her neck, tilting back her head as he increased the friction on her clit. Her body tensed, her hips thrashed. She tried desperately to squeeze her legs together but he held them apart, watching her open cunt as it pulsed and throbbed, and liquid flowed from it. Her pussy clutched on empty air and her hips thrust as she strained like a wild thing against the climax weaving through her body.

"Fuck me, Riley," she pleaded, her voice hoarse. "Please. Let me feel your cock inside me."