
Love portions

The morning that followed Evelyn followed the pastor's advise, after she had prepared the children's breakfasts and lunchs for school, Evelyn prepared George's breakfast adding a teaspoon of the Apostles anointed water to his coffee. When Evelyn was done she proceeded to call George to come have his breakfast.

 By the time George was ready to have his breakfast the children already had had theirs and were in the living room catching up on the adventures of Ben 10 their favorite cartoon character while the waited to be taken to school. 

 "Good morning kids?" George greeted as he came to have his breakfast. " Good morning Dad," the kids responded in unison.

 The house keeper arrived just in time to escort the children to school which was a short distance from their home. 

 "Have a great day at school today,"George said as the kids walked out of the house. "Bye!" the kids responded in unison. 

When George and Evelyn were alone Evelyn served George his breakfast and She sat with him as he ate unlike other mornings she didn't argue or nag him. 

 "You're unusually quiet today, are you sick?" George worried. 

"No I just have nothing to say," Evelyn replied.

"Wow! really, praise God. you? Have nothing to say!, Thats a first," George teased.

"Let sleeping dogs lie," Evelyn replied jokingly." Does that mean I give you a hard time?" She added.

"Not really but you always have something to complain about," George said.

"Well I'm going to change all that, no more complaints from me," Evelyn replied.

"There's a good girl," George said teasing.

 Evelyn noticed that the more George drunk his coffee the pleasant his manner or mood became. She decided to try her luck.

"Since you insist on being nagged, Baby I need money to do my hair," Evelyn said half kidding.

"How much do you need," George asked.

"I don't know about 500 kwacha, Evelyn said.

"There's some money in my wallet, get a 500 kwacha leave the rest," George said.

 Evelyn couldn't believe her luck. their conversations about money never went this smoothly or in her favour. She began to suspect that the Apostle's elixir had something to do with it.

 George drove Evelyn to work on his way to his office, George was in such a good mood that morning he was practically singing. George arrived early at his office after dropping Evelyn off. He greeted the security guard who opened the gate for him which was unusual because George never greeted him before. George proceeded to park his car and entered his office building. George greeted every human soul he met with the same positive energy he did with the guard often stopping to have mini conversations with some of his colleagues about nothing in particular, small talk which was unusual for George because George though a very friendly guy, was known to be very reclusive.

 By the time George had gotten to his office on the 4th floor he had shook hands with over 30 people. On the 4th floor, where the offices of all the junior lawyers, the covered all cases from criminal law to corporate law. George had been incharge of the corporate law section of the floor. George walked out of the elevator to greet the receptionist.

"Good morning beautiful Monde," George said.

"Good morning sir," the secretary replied taken aback by George's sudden change in manner. "You seem very happy today," she added.

"I'am, and I have no idea why, I think today is gona be a good day," George replied.

The receptionist smiled "I hope so too, sir," she uttered finally.

 George's receptionist found his demeanor this morning to be particularly refreshing as she had always been attracted to him. She often thought it was a mistake on the part of the gods to allow such quiet and humble man to marry a she dragon such as was he's wife.

 George's receptionist 'Monde' was a slender, spectacled, 23 year old. Who boasted a youthful beauty about her. She adored George amongst his colleagues for his humility and intellect. She cared little for his wife mainly because she fancied George but also his wife's distasteful short fuse had put a wedge between them.

 As soon as George had sat down at his desk. George's boss, Nerbert came burging into his office. 

"Were are we with the presentation? How far have you gone with the merger?" George's boss barked.

"How are you? Nerbert," George greeted.

"I'm fine!" Was nerberts sharp response.

"I'm fine also, thanks for asking," George replied sarcastically.

"I've no time for your foolish games, are we on schedule or not?" Nerbert asked.

"We are on schedule sir, we are set to have a presentation with the two companies this afternoon,"George replied.

 The afternoon that followed was marked with frantic work in an effort to get all the paperwork and documentation ready for George's presentation. 

 Monde especially was working overtime to ensure that George's presentation went smoothly. She ensured their were enough snacks and refreshments, she ensured every attendee had briefing at their designated seat, she further ensured the projector was in working order and set it up in front of a white board that slid down from the ceiling. They board members of the two companies that were to sign a partnership arrived early and Monde led them to the board room. Nerbert was seated at the far end of the table with the two company's CEO'S's seated on opposite sides of him. Monde sat at the door close to the light switch. George walked in as soon as all the board members had taken their seats.

 "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I'm George senior consultant for corporate law at this firm, seated at the door is my secretary and right hand man or rather woman Monde, she will be aiding me with today's presentation," George introduced himself and Monde. The introduction left Monde smiling from ear to ear because she wasn't accustomed to having people credit her for her work.

 "I'll be taking you through this presentation, I'm confident both parties will be agreeable with the terms we have prepared for the merger of the two companies, when ever not clear feel free to ask questions," George continued. "Monde could you kindly assist me with the lights," George requested.

 George then proceeded to mesmerize his guests with his intellect. There was no question George couldn't answer or dispute he couldn't talk himself out of.

 Monde hung on every word, it seemed the longer George talked the wider her smile got. Nerbert rythmically nodded his head in agreement as George continued to supply the attendees of the presentation with worth while information. 

 Nerbert couldn't hold his laughter when at the end of George's presentation. George asked, "any questions?" 

And one of the more difficult CEO'S replied, "would you like a job at our firm?" The entire room broke out into laughter.

The room emptied and finally Monde and George were alone and Monde picked this moment to strike. With bedroom eyes she seductively walked up to George hugged him and with the most seductive voice she could muster

She whispered "that was amazing, if there's anything I can do for you George, I mean anything, please let me know."

As she walked away like a cat that's taunting it's prey, George just stood there with an engorged groin dumbfounded as to what just happened.