

This story happened in the alternative world of earth. When sorcery and witchery bloom, black or white doesn't really matters. A person judged because what he does and not because what other see. Foundation of peaceful life taught since the beginning of time. But the strong and the weak still have it's own perks, the law of the jungle never change.

What if Noah's ark isn't the only one? What if David doesn't kill Goliath and made forgave him? What if Moses's exodus was a transmigration? What if Solomon's Kingdom never fall? But this novel isn't about all of that. Just imagine its around 14th Century, the black death grown and half of the world had died. Some said it's cause was bacteria, some said it's viruses, and some said it's cause was black magic.

The survivor grown some resistance to the plague, and the the survivor's descendants grown a magical seed inside the body. The seed made the body had slight immunity to the harm of nature, made the body stronger and more powerful. The seed of magic can grown up and become a root, a mage root.

The roots made the owner can control the essence of magic. Bending softly and just altering the force of nature, or forcefully owning the power of nature. The roots inside the body have an affinity for some elements, it is different from one person to another. The persons who have the mage root are called 'Magus'.

The age of magic made the gunpowder lose the games of power. Magic have become the strongest weapon a man can get and a skill that made a man's worth. The balance shifted to the strong, a conquest of domination and a lust for power arisen. The plague who hurt but unite humanity and the magic who heal but divide humanity.

The Avrupa continent, the land where the sun hide. Like a never ending battlefield, always become the land of revolution and survival of the fittest. The first man who started the age of plunder i mean the age of discovery was also from here. The passion to gather fame and money driving man to explore the edge of horizon. With the newly power of magic, the safety and survivability rate of the explorer became much higher.

Kingdom of Geas and Kingdom of Espia are the rival kingdoms on the southern Avrupa, they made a Pact of Sorrow's Gate about the exploration rules. Both of them have the leadership of king and queen, but their power got restricted and under the domination of The Holy Church.

One of the strongest faction on Avrupa was The Holy Church, with their new chosen Grand Pope Velos the First. He was the first who gather magus and train them to become priest, to heal the masses and to purge the heathen. Velos the first was his title because he is the first that discovered the healing spell.

Another strong faction in the middle of the continent are the Trinity Alliance that consist of Le Verance Federation who have a strong vision about freedom of man, The Lands of Neda who has a strong financial foundation, and Principality of Gar that produce a strongest spear and excellent wielder. The Trinity Alliance doesn't oppose The Holy Church openly and keeping the neutrality by standing on it's own power.

The third strongest faction was Kiev Union that dominating the northern side of Avrupa, they controlled around a third of the continent's area after their King Avant the Orthodox annexed hundreds smaller kingdom. Their power keeping them busy with internal problems and keeping their enemies from provoking unity.

The last strongest faction was Celtanors Island, the islands located on the west of the Avrupa. Their isolated island have a powerfull magic barrier that keep out unwanted intruders. They opposed The Holy Church openly because most of them are animistic and pagans after the great exodus. Their mysterious power and situation kept unknown from the outside world, we can't defeat the unknown.

The balance of power about The Holy Church, Trinity Alliance, Kiev Union, and The Celtanors Island made lives in the Avrupa peaceful and safe enough for the commoners. They only need works to get money, then buy food for their daily lives. If they have more skill then it means more money to get.