

Soon thousands of servants gathered from all around the city, they all nudged to be within the castle gates

Suddenly, Sirus walked out onto what seemed to be a small balcony

"Dear servant's gather all the citizens, and escort rank three's into the castle!" He suddenly screamed

"Huh?, Just like that? no speech?" Enopy thought that Sirus would give a speech or something of the sort

"But the rank three's? huh? Why is Sirus doing this? I know he can't disobey me" Enopy started to brainstorm, as he was unable to come to a plausible conclusion

Sirus walked back inside, but Enopy gave him no time to relax, as he was controlled to say

" Jack come with me"

"Ok" Enopy replied as he stepped out the room, and Sirus followed, leaving a pouting Elizabeth

"Why did you gather the rank three's?" Enopy asked

"I have a way to kill multiple ranks three's," Sirus said as his eyes remains lifeless

"Oh, good, "Enopy said as he thought "it seems that he has the gist of what I'm going to do, he has an awakened part of his consciousness, but he probably wants me to spare his daughter, so it's a win, win, but I do have to kill him, so that awakened part has to go, by the time my next step is over, that should also be gone"

After that, they parted ways, and Enopy went back to the D.S.R, it had already been a few days, so he knew he had lost the bet

"Oh!, look who it is, the big man himself," the bandanna wearing man laughed, as he walked over to Enopy

Enopy ignored him and looked around the warehouse

"It has been restocked" Enopy gave a quick conclusion, as he looked at the huge stacks of paper around the room

"Hey, don't ignore me" Suddenly the man screamed, as he pushed Enopy

Enopy wasn't trying to entertain him and began to walk away, but he was met with another push

Enopy knew he wouldn't stop, so he let out his peak rank one aura

Suddenly, the man fell to his knees and said

"So sorry, I didn't know that you were a peak ra-"

Suddenly, Enopy's leg turned into a blur, but soon after, the bandanna wearing man's head was flung off and beamed into the air

Enopy showed the expression of disgust and made his way back to his room

"System, wake me up in 2 days" Enopy ordered, as he plopped onto his bed


"Beep, beep,!you requested to be woken up at this time" Suddenly the voice of the system resounded in Enopy's mind

"Oh!, already"Enopy mumbled as he sat up, while the weight of exhaustion weighed on him

He lugged himself out of bed, made his way into the bathroom, and washed away his exhaustion

He made his way outside and was instantly surrounded by an immense pressure

He walked towards Sirus' office, as he felt the pressure get higher and higher

"Noc, Noc"

"Who is it" Sirus' voice came from inside the room

"Jack," Enopy said

Sirus opened the door and revealed what seemed to be a living room

9 men sat on different sofa's, they had their eyes closed

Enopy recognized a man, he was the same man that pointed him in a direction, when he first arrived at the city

"These are some rank three masters" Sirus announced, as he wore a welcoming smile

"Oh, ok, "Enopy said

"Now, let's go," Sirus said as he clapped his hands

"What! were taking this child," a green-haired man, said, he had short green hair, and pale skin, he was skinny and had green nails, he look exhausted, but that didn't stop him from voicing his complaints

"Calm down, you don't even know where we're going" a man with long blue hair, and a sheathed katana, said, he had sharp blue eyebrows, and dark blue eyes, he had a stiff but calm expression, it seemed as if nothing could trigger him

"That doesn't matter people of our rank shouldn't be mingling with a person of lower rank," the green-haired man said as he scoffed

"Remember, you were once upon a time just a mere bodybuilder, don't let power get to your head, a silver-haired man said, as he carried his golden spear, he had well-defined muscles, and black eyes, he wore his kimono with one arm and left the other side of his chest exposed

Yes, keep calm, and immerse yourself into the beauty, and vastness of nature, a bald man, said, as he kept his eyes closed, he had shiny skin, and well-defined muscles, he wore an orange kimono, he immediately reminded Enopy of monks from earth

"Not this again," a buff man with gray and black hair said he wore a short sleeve kimono, and revealed his well-defined muscles, he had black eyes, and wore red fingerless gloves, he was the man who gave Enopy directions once

"Can we all just calm down and chillax" a man with ruffled hair, and droopy eyes, said, as he took in a huge breath of air, but when he breathed out, the air was now smoke, that held a charred smell, he was skinny, but his muscles were well defined, he wore black sweat pants and a sleeveless vest

"Ya…need to stop doing this" an old man that wore a crazy expression said, he was very skinny and seemed malnourished, a bunch of his teeth was missing, and his eyes darted around the room

"Isn't, that?" Enopy thought, when he recognized the old man, he's the one who approached me, about the food replacement pills

"Aye, don't tell them that fight like men!" A man that seemed as if he was composed of pure muscles, said, as he sent his wine glass up, causing him to spill some of it on himself, he took up a whole sofa, it seemed as if the sofa was just a mere chair to Him, he had green eyes, that radiated battle intent, his razor-sharp teeth, further added to that image, but the giant sword on his back top it off

"Alright, I might have to call this meeting off, if you guys continue to act like this" Sirus said as he rubbed his forehead

"Do it, I got better things to do," the green-haired man said as he sucked his teeth

"Like what Elding, huh?" An old man said, he seemed to be in his 60s, he had a gray and black beard, black beady eyes, he had been silent, and kept his eyes closed while gripping his pitch-black cane, but, now, he put on a conceited expression, and looked at the green-haired man with disgust

"Silence...." Elding said Nothing

"That's what I thought," the old man said as he regained his statue-like form

"Can we just go?" Sirus said as he sighed





Voices, that held the intention of corporation rang out

"Good," Sirus said, while he walked out of the room, and led them downstairs into the basement

"They soon reached a dead end"