
Man maya to Maya

Life was going well. I had no fear in my life. I have just given my see exam. Just after , exam my mother came to me and asked to talk with one guy. I was shocked at that time. Blank mind, no sound, there was only me asking is it to Man maya.

THEN I ask my mom, do all girl does so? Never gone habit of pretending be like other.

I have to be normal because if I behave like someone, then my future will be like my mother i.e. If I do not behave like other then I would have to behave accepting, sacrificing, giving and a great women in own home, which I do not know still.

Preparing a roti in a perfect circular shape and even measuring circumference and diameter, and even after finding pie value from it, no one make a sound because all want their own place which I have not fixed yet.