
Man in the End Times: For my daughter I became the world's overlord

Reborn into a world before the global apocalypse. In the face of alien invasion, zombie infection, fog, ice age, earth core world and other global devastating disasters. The only thing Ye Bai has to do is to live with her daughter and family. Unexpectedly, the system was activated right after arriving, and a refuge was obtained at the beginning. However, the more outrageous is yet to come. 【Ding, congratulations on getting the fire source! 】 【Ding, congratulations on getting the Red Alert Base! 】 【Congratulations on getting the strengthening potion! 】 In order to protect his daughter, Ye Bai began to vigorously develop in his hometown, the army, agriculture Until the catastrophe of the doomsday broke out completely and human beings all over the world were struggling to survive in the ruined cities of the doomsday, an army strong enough to compete with all countries in the world appeared. But soon, people discovered that this mighty terrorist army came to the urban area just to collect some diapers?

NeoGodOfDreams · Sci-fi
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31 Chs

Chapter 28 With Such A Big Commotion, Are You Here To Take The Child To Bask In The Sun?

However, the woman hurriedly said nervously: "You, can you save us?"

The drone fell silent for a moment.

Then came Ye Bai's voice: "There is nothing you can do!"

Hearing this, the woman immediately collapsed to the ground.

There was a look of despair on his face.


Ye Bai didn't care so much, he directly found the Pipile that Xiao Yeen needed!

Because it is not very big, the black bird can be brought back.

But just to be on the safe side, he took two extra bottles!

Then there are diapers!

Although the two guys can't get much.

But you can take as much as you can.


So soon, the two little guys took the diapers and went out, turned into a DJI drone, and disappeared in the night sky in the blink of an eye!

When I got home, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Open the little window and let the two guys fly in.

Looking at the two packs of diapers that came over.

And fart fun!

Ye Bai rested first.

Wait until the next day to give these things to Lin Yue.


Early the next morning.

Ye Bai, who woke up from his sleep, slept soundly this time!

When I opened my eyes, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.

But time is time.

You can't see the sun outside here.


He got up and entered the room with Butt Le.

I saw Lin Yue hugging Xiao Yeen wearily.

Little Ye En seemed a little uncomfortable.

But after seeing Ye Bai, he still quickly showed a happy expression.

There is no way, the daughter is father's natural little padded jacket.


"What's wrong!"


Stepping forward, Ye Bai asked with concern.

Lin Yue shook her head and smiled tiredly: "It's nothing, it may have been more than two months, Xiaoye En is a little naughty, and doesn't sleep much at night!"

So it is!

Ye Bai felt a little distressed, but he still took out Pip Le from behind: "Look, what I brought!"

"This is!"

Seeing Pipi Le, Lin Yue thought she was mistaken, she blinked her big beautiful eyes, and said in surprise, "Where did you get this!"

Ye Bai would not say that he asked Black Bird to bring this thing back.

He just said: "Don't worry about this, just try to see if it works!"

"Yes!" Lin Yue nodded, so she quickly put down Xiao Ye En, and then ran to find her mother: "Mom, come and see how this thing works!"


Not long after, I saw my mother with a strange expression and was pulled over.

This thing was bought in the urban area.

How did he get it!

But in his time, there was no such thing as Pipile. He only read the introduction before hesitatingly said: "It should be smearing!"

What should be!

Ye Bai rolled his eyes.

Mom said angrily: "When I gave birth to you, I never used this thing!"

Ye Bai: "..."

have to!

He felt that these two people were similar to novices.

It doesn't matter.

Apply only according to directions.

Sure enough, it only took less than an hour.

The eczema is really much lighter.

Ye Bai was a little surprised: "This thing is quite useful!"

"That's not right, otherwise why would they sell this!"

Seeing the effect, my mother was also relieved, and then smiled.


Even Xiao Ye En, who was lying on the bed, seemed to be much happier because of the disappearance of eczema.


Because I am too young, I can only do some simple movements at present.

Not even self-awareness is complete!


But more so.


Ye Bai became more and more worried.

Because in the future, don't think that there will be a good time.

It is still difficult to keep Xiao Yeen alive in the apocalypse.


"Children need calcium supplementation, and there is no sunlight in this underground shelter, should we consider going up to have a look!"


Ye Bai paused when he heard the words, yes.

When I was just born and checked, it was said that there was a possibility of calcium deficiency.

Need more sun exposure and calcium supplementation!

But now, the catastrophe explosion

There are four or five days in this underground shelter.

Really need to add calcium!


However, just to be on the safe side.

Ye Baidang even used the base vehicle's wireless communication system to order Jack: "Jack, bring some people over here and be on guard here!"

"Yes, Commander!"

After receiving the order, Jack brought people over from the back mountain.


This area is still being fenced.

Because they got the news in the morning.

Zombies went one step further.

It is estimated that they will arrive here tonight, so they are very worried.

Strive to seal this place airtight!


At this time, with Jack leading the heavily armed soldiers rushed over.

There are eighty people.

It's like a company.

The group of people watching were dumbfounded.

"I'll go, what's the situation!"

"Where did they come from!"

"Hey, the direction they are going seems to be Ye Bai's house!"

Ye Bai's family!


A group of people were shocked when they heard this.


What happened, so many foreign mercenaries.

"Go, go and see!"

I saw the staff in the area, and hurriedly led a group of people to follow from a distance.

Wait until you reach the door of Ye Bai's house.

I saw Jack leading 80 soldiers and began to guard the surrounding area!

On the second floor, there were about a dozen people observing the surroundings.

There are even two snipers hiding in a high place to observe the movement.

"What's the situation!"

"Could it be that Ye Bai and the others knew ahead of time that the zombies were coming, so they prepared to kill them?"


Someone said something, which immediately aroused the enthusiasm of many people.

They were still thinking about it just now.

Once those zombies really attack tonight, can this place be defended.

Just a kitchen knife and stick in hand, isn't that courting death!

But now, these heavily armed soldiers rushed over.

They suddenly became a little excited!

If a war is really going to happen, at least they have guns, and they are on their side!

Their blood, which had not been ignited for a long time, was ignited at this moment.


And soon.

They found something was wrong.

Because with these heavily armed soldiers, Ye Bai's house was guarded three floors inside and three floors outside, and there were snipers staring at it in the distance.

There are also two drones above, circling continuously in a radius of several kilometers.


They saw the second floor, Ye Bai's beautiful wife in a white slender nightgown, with a superb figure, came up with a child in her arms.

She found a suitable place.

Then let Xiao Yeen bask in the sun.