
Man in the End Times: For my daughter I became the world's overlord

Reborn into a world before the global apocalypse. In the face of alien invasion, zombie infection, fog, ice age, earth core world and other global devastating disasters. The only thing Ye Bai has to do is to live with her daughter and family. Unexpectedly, the system was activated right after arriving, and a refuge was obtained at the beginning. However, the more outrageous is yet to come. 【Ding, congratulations on getting the fire source! 】 【Ding, congratulations on getting the Red Alert Base! 】 【Congratulations on getting the strengthening potion! 】 In order to protect his daughter, Ye Bai began to vigorously develop in his hometown, the army, agriculture Until the catastrophe of the doomsday broke out completely and human beings all over the world were struggling to survive in the ruined cities of the doomsday, an army strong enough to compete with all countries in the world appeared. But soon, people discovered that this mighty terrorist army came to the urban area just to collect some diapers?

NeoGodOfDreams · Sci-fi
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31 Chs

Chapter 13 Doomsday, Why Don't You Get Some Online Loans? ? ! !

It was very late at this time.

Let all the tanks, soldiers, go back to the tank factory, barracks.

After the base car puts away all the buildings.

Ye Bai also left the back mountain and drove back to his home in the city center.


When I got home, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Lin Yue was still breastfeeding.

Seeing Ye Bai felt a little distressed.

Every time this girl came back to see her, she was taking care of Xiao Yeen.

"I'm home!"

See Ye Bai walk in.

Lin Yue, who was still breastfeeding, also had a charming smile on her beautiful face.


Nodding slightly, Ye Bai said with emotion: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Yue shook her head lightly: "It's not hard work, just look at you, and you have to go back to the company to work overtime at night!"

Back to the company to work overtime...

Ye Bai was dumbfounded: "Who told you that I went to work overtime?"

"Huh? Isn't it..." Lin Yue blinked her beautiful big eyes, thinking that her husband had worked overtime.

It's so sad to come back so late.

Compared with Xiao Yeen, she also hopes that her husband can relax a bit!

But now I hear no!


"Ah, this one!"

When he came back to his senses, Ye Bai realized that he almost slipped the tongue.

But Lin Yue is not a fool, she has already noticed it, and immediately frowned her beautiful brows, and said coquettishly, "Are you going to drink?"

"Well... that's a lot!"

"What do you mean..."

Tilting her head, Lin Yue said unhappily: "You have to hide things from me now, it wasn't like this before!"

I want to keep it from you, but it's okay to keep it from you, lest you panic.

However, how could he fail to see this little girl's tricks: "Did you just say that you want me to take you out to eat delicious food?"



Well, being exposed, Lin Yueqiao's face turned red, embarrassing.

But she still pouted and said coquettishly: "Honey, you know, it's been a long time since I went out to eat with you!"


have to!

Ye Bai just can't stand this girl acting like a baby.

Not to mention anything else, the man just couldn't bear to refuse that beautiful face alone.

Especially being coquettish, it is absolutely fatal to a man!

Ye Bai also didn't understand how he could win such a beautiful wife.

But considering, the day after tomorrow.

I want to eat such a big meal outside.

Basically impossible.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, Ye Bai said, "Okay, tomorrow night, I will take you to eat!"

"Good!" Lin Yue's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she nodded happily.

Accidentally disturbed Xiao Yeen who was breastfeeding.

"Ah... ummm..."

Seeing that Xiao Ye En was about to turn his face, Lin Yue was so frightened that she quickly calmed down.

Wait for the little one to continue feeding. ,

She couldn't help sticking her cute tongue out at Ye Bai in embarrassment.

That cute appearance made Ye Bai amused.

He shook his head and laughed dumbly, feeling emotional in his heart.

This kind of life, if not because of the doomsday disaster.

I'm afraid I will be very happy in the future!


But now, as long as the family is safe, everything is enough.


Without further disturbing, Ye Bai went to rest next door.

Wait until the next morning.

He opened his eyes, and heard the system prompt again.

[Ding, there are still two days left before the doomsday disaster breaks out! ]

[Distribute today's reward: antiviral potion! ]

[Name: Antiviral Potion! ]


[Function: After use, it can be immune to virus infection! ]


Well, this is not bad!

Seeing the system introduction, Ye Bai nodded slightly.

Because in the future doomsday disaster, zombie legions will be rampant, and most of them will be infected if they are touched. Only then will some people be able to evolve after being immune to the virus.

But that is a minority after all, one out of a hundred people is not bad.

Most of them became members of the zombie army in just a few days after being infected!

But now with this potion, it will be different, it can avoid being infected by zombie virus!


After taking the medicine, Ye Bai got up and took a shower.

Then go out and go to today's arrangement.

Because it has come to the end of the doomsday disaster that is about to break out.

Most of the supplies have already been purchased.

But the house still lacks a lot of furniture.

Because the two hundred square meters of the shelter are now in addition to the supplies in reserve.

Still basically empty, not even a bed.

So Ye Bai went shopping for this range of furniture and appliances today.


But look at the balance in the card, okay!

Current balance: 53000!

There are more than 5w left!

Ye Bai was speechless.

I have saved more than 200,000 yuan!

But after thinking about it carefully, I was relieved.

Because these days, the money spent is really too much.

Not to mention anything else, there are tens of thousands of materials alone, plus daily necessities, tools and other things.

Oh, and a couple of generators are missing!

Although there are solar panels!

But if it is destroyed, the shelter will still have to be powered off.

But with a generator it's different.

Can continue to supply power!



It's just that on the market now, a better generator costs nearly tens of thousands of yuan.

Coupled with furniture and home appliances, it is simply not enough.

where to get money...

Ye Bai thought of a good way, online loan!

That's right...

These days, online loans are a scam usury.

Normally, Ye Bai wouldn't touch it, but now it's different.

Disaster is about to erupt.

At that time, money is just waste paper.

Materials are king!

Don't spend some money while it's still available.

Isn't that a waste!

Just do it!

Ye Bai first cashed out 13w5 from the loan! The daily interest is 2/10,000, that is to say, the interest of 27 yuan a day.

Immediately afterwards, he cashed out 60,000 from IOUs!

Then there are major platforms such as micro-credit, Youqianhua, Milidai, and micro-credit.

In just one hour, Ye Bai raked in 1.8 million!

Especially from the small loan alone, it has reached 60w!

Of course, the interest rate is also frighteningly high. One thousandth of a day means that if you borrow 1,000 yuan, you have to pay back 1 yuan a day, and for 600,000 yuan, you need to pay 600 yuan a day in interest!

And a 5% handling fee will be deducted, which is 30,000!

Look, 600,000 yuan, 600 yuan in interest per day, 18,000 yuan in pure interest a month, and 30,000 yuan in handling fees must be deducted first!

This is called borrowing money? It's almost like borrowing a life!


But it doesn't matter now.

Anyway, the doomsday disaster is about to break out.

Spend the money as you like!