
Man In American Comics: Start Regenerative Healing Factor

Lu Chuang's journey into the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel had started with high hopes of unlocking super high school-level talents by achieving various milestones. His encounters with iconic Marvel characters like Tony Stark, Domino, and Doctor Strange led to some interesting exchanges. However, as time passed, the talents he unlocked began to take a bizarre turn. It wasn't long before he encountered a special talent: Super High School Level Despair. Lu Chuang couldn't help but feel perplexed. Was this new talent meant to compel him to reenact the ominous events of Danganronpa within the Marvel universe? With uncertainty looming, Lu Chuang pondered the implications of his newfound ability and the challenges it might bring to his adventure in this extraordinary world.

ReaperSlayer101 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs



Seeing Lu Chuang's miserable state, Wade cursed under his breath.

However, right now, he couldn't care less about others.

The moment the strong woman sent Lu Chuang flying, Wade sprang into action. He jumped from the air and landed on the strong woman's back, attempting to choke her.

But the strong woman remained unfazed by Wade's chokehold. What irritated her was Wade's fumbling and rubbing.

The muscular woman forcefully broke free of Wade's grip, breaking the so-called unbreakable chokehold. Wade was surprised but couldn't resist making a crude comment, "Lady, you're quite the powerhouse. I bet your husband can't handle you. I hope he can manage all aspects of your life…"

Before he could finish his sentence, the muscular woman bent over and delivered a powerful knee to Wade's back, sending him crashing to the ground.

The sickening sound of bones cracking filled the air as Wade was left severely injured within moments. 

Infuriated by Wade's words, the muscular woman picked up a steel bar from the ground and ruthlessly impaled it through Wade's back, securing him in place.

"Gina, calm down. There's no need to engage with a Deadman," Francis said, patting Gina on the shoulder. "Have you done what I asked?"

Gina replied coldly, "All the materials in the facility have been destroyed without a trace, and the surviving subjects have been transferred to other locations."

"Excellent, let's go."

Ignoring Lu Chuang and Wade, Francis turned and left with Gina. Only lifeless bodies and debris remained at the scene.

Not long after they departed, Wade, lying on the ground, suddenly moved. He struggled to raise his head and looked toward Lu Chuang's direction.

After spending time together, Lu Chuang had become a friend to him. Seeing Lu Chuang die before his eyes, helpless to stop it, brought back painful memories.

"Sorry, I might not let you see the world's most beautiful... oh! Damn!"

Watching Lu Chuang's mangled corpse reanimate, Wade's tone shifted from mockery to panicked astonishment.

"What's going on here? Did I stumble into a Resident Evil set?"

"Calm down. I can't die, and neither can you," Lu Chuang reassured him.

Lu Chuang approached, dragging his slowly regenerating body. He grabbed the steel bar impaled in Wade's back and pulled it out forcefully.

As the steel bar was removed, Wade watched in amazement as his bloody wound rapidly healed. He couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my god, am I infected? Am I turning into a zombie? Wait, does that mean I'll have to eat human flesh? No, I prefer chicken tacos!"

"Stop shouting. We need to get out of here; it's about to collapse!" Lu Chuang exclaimed.

Lu Chuang grabbed the bewildered Wade and ran through the flames. The fire raged around them, and thick smoke obscured their vision.

"You came in from outside. Do you know the way out?" Lu Chuang asked urgently.

Wade hesitated for a moment and then pointed in a direction uncertainly.

Despite the blazing inferno, Lu Chuang and Wade pressed forward. After several minutes of intense heat and smoke, they burst out of an abandoned factory building in a remote suburb just before it collapsed.

"Finally... freedom!"

Looking at the burning factory, Lu Chuang felt a surge of complex emotions. After two long months, he had escaped the dark and oppressive confinement.

But... what should they do next?

Since time traveling, Lu Chuang had been confined to the research institute. Now that they were out, he realized they were in a completely unfamiliar world, and they were outsiders here.

Lu Chuang exhaled deeply and turned to Wade, who was deep in thought.

"Wade, what's our next move?"

"As I mentioned before, I need to find Vanessa!"

"So... are you planning to find her in your current state?"

Both of them were burned to varying degrees from their escape through the flames. Lu Chuang, in his uniform, was relatively better off as he still had some fabric left to cover himself.

However, Wade was in a far more exposed predicament.

As they stood there, surveying their situation, it became apparent that Wade's current condition was rather... revealing.

"I see a barbecue chicken," Lu Chuang commented, unable to resist a smirk.